



After hearing that sixteen women committed suicide when her son, Gongpu Wenbo, who was a high official in the state of Lu had died, the mother did not shed a single drop of tear.

She said, "My son was not a good man. when Confucius was dispelled from Lu, he did not follow him to seek truth. Now he is dead, and there were sixteen women who committed suicide for him. So it is obvious that he treated elder people harshly while he was very lenient to women. So I would not consider him to be my son at all."

Coming out of the mouth of a mother, these words can show the virtue of the mother. If a wife said this, she would be considered to be a jealous wife. The same words uttered from different people can have different effect.


Many many years ago, in the State of Song, there was a city gate. Outside the gate was a moat with fishes that lived a quiet and happy life there.

One day the tower above the city gate caught fire and the people of the city were alarmed. Even the fishes in the moat could hear the gone.

"What's the noise about?" the fishes wondered. "I must go and find out," said one curious black carp. When he saw the tower on fire, he hurried back to tell his mates. "Swim all you could! Swim all you could! Swim for life!" He cried to his fellow-fishes. "The city gate is burning!"

So all the fishes except the carps started to swim away. One arrogant carp even laughed at the other fishes. "Don't laugh," said the kind black carp. "You really ought to swim away, too, in good time."

"Why should I?" asked the arrogant carp. "It's only their city gate on fire, what's it got to do with me in the water?" The fire spread very fast and the firemen had used up all the water in the city. But it was still burning. So they fetched waster from the moat.

At long last, the fire was put out, but the moat had also gone dry, leaving a few sorry carps in their dying struggle. This tale likens the city gate fire to disasters that do not seem to concern us but that can spread and involve even the innocent.


There was once a fool visited his friend.

The host offered him some food which he found tasteless. When the master of the house heard him complain, he added some salt to the dish.

The fool found the food now quite delicious. He thought, "The food is delicious because of the salt could produce this effect, a lot of salt must taste even better."

The fool that he was, he started eating nothing but salt. Rather than tasting delicious. The salt spoiled his appetite.

