



A : Excuse me , please . Could you tell me how to get to the No.10 Middle School?

B : Walk down this road , take the fourth turn to the right . Then you’ll see it .

A : Is it far from here to there ?

B : No. It’s only about five minutes’ walk .

A : Many thanks !

B : Not at all.(一点也不,别客气)


A : Excuse me , sir , Is this the road to the peace Store?

B : You could get there this way , but it’d be faster to go along the Wort Street .

A : Where’s Wort Street , please?

B : Turn right at the third intersection, you’ll see the street and then walk along the street to the south.

A : How far is it from the Wort Street ?

B : Just walk for a few minutes , you’ll find it .

A : Thank you very much .


A : Excuse me , sir , could you please tell me the way to Xidan Bookstore ?

B : Yes , of course . Would you like to walk there or take a bus ?

A : Er...Is it far from here ?

B : It’s just about ten minutes’ walk . Go along this street , on the third cross you’ll find it on your left .

A : Then I’ll walk . Many thanks .

B : Not at all .

