



Todd: Miki, when you were in college where did you live?

Miki: My first year I lived in the dormitory that was quite close to the campus. It was about a five minute walks so it was very convenient but I'm not sure that that many people actually enjoyed living in the dormitory because there were so many of us packed into such a small space that one did not get a sense of privacy at all. I shared a room with two other girls and 24 hours a day there was always someone near you, next door, down the hall if not in your own room, and a very small space. In Japan perhaps this wouldn't have been such a large problem because the sense of personal space and privacy perhaps isn't as strong growing up, but really in the United States if you grow up with you own room, if you grow up with your own sense of self and if, you know, you have personal space that you define just instinctively which, you know, maybe three feet in front of you, a meter, or if you have your own personal room itself, it's very difficult to move from that sort of sense of individuality and personal private space, to move into the dorms, and to have to share, all of that, and then always have a smile on your face, if you don't want to be considered a bitch.

Todd: Yeah, so what about food? What did you eat for food? Did you have a kitchen? Did you cook?

Miki: In the dormitories, no! We had a dining hall. I don't quite remember what it was called, but it was a common area where everyone went downstairs at the same time. It was only open, three hours in the morning, 3 hours in the evening, and we all shared our time together, kind of like a family, I suppose, and we must have eaten just normal American food. I don't remember.

Todd: Yeah! Yeah! How about your laundry? How would you wash your clothes?

Miki: That I forget! I think we had laundry machines every other floor in the dorm building. But I actually don't remember. Sorry!

Todd: And what would students do for fun? for socializing?

Miki: Oh, I think the bigger question is whether students did anything besides socialize, you know, right, I mean, if you're a freshman the chances of you actually doing work are actually quite small, especially in that sort of a social setting where,

Todd: Even at Beckley?

Miki: Oh, are you kidding me? Yes! Berkley is highly competitive but it's also highly, it's a highly social atmosphere, especially in the dorms, well, and then once you move into a communal area, if you're there with your friend, then I don't think a whole lot of studying goes on.

Todd: Wow! That's funny! Oh, thanks!

Miki: Surely!


Todd: Hey, Jeff this is a very nice apartment.


Jeff: Hmm. It's comfortable. It's cozy. Japanese style.


Todd: I like it. It's got the tatami mat, small kitchen. Do you live alone?


Jeff: I live alone but right now I have a friend of mine staying with me.


Todd: Oh, really, a roommate.


Jeff: Sort of like a roommate, yes. A short term, he's staying with me short-term, so yes a roommate.


Todd: OK, how's that going?


Jeff: Ah, I don't like it.


Todd: Why?


Jeff: He's lazy. He's messy. He drinks too much. He doesn't exercise and he doesn'tcontribute any money to the rent.


Todd: Ooh, so he lives here and he doesn't give you any money?


Jeff: Well, yeah, he doesn't give me any money. The money's not so bad, though, it's just that he's lazy and he doesn't do much all day.


Todd: That's got to be pretty annoying.


Jeff: He's a great fellow. He's a good friend of mine, but, yeah, he's, I try to motivate him todo a few things but he's a tough one.


Todd: Are you going to tell him he has to move out?


Jeff: Ah, no, he's a smart man. He knows. He knows. He knows the deal. He knows what's going on and I think he's, yeah, I would never ask him to move out because I don't mind having him here but I'm just going to try to whip him into shape.


Todd: Oh, so you're just going to try to change him so he becomes a better roommate?


Jeff: I'm going to be like a woman and try to, yeah, try to get him a better schedule, a better schedule (yeah) like exercise and eating right and less smoking and less drinking.


Todd: Well, what is his schedule?


Jeff: Ah, his schedule is, he's like a night owl, he stays up most of the night drinking, and then he sleeps most of the day recovering, and then when he gets up he has a hangover. He's a bit sluggish and slow, so it's not a healthy lifestyle.


Todd: Yeah, it doesn't sound like it. Good luck.


Jeff: No problem.



A:Yesterday I had a quarrel with my roommate. I'm really fed up with all this.


B:Tell me what seems to be the problem.


A:My roommate always brings a lot of friends from off-campus. They stay in the room until midnight, singing and talking, drinking and playing cards while I have no place for study. I even don't have the quietness to sleep.


B:Did you ever talk to him about it?


A:Yes, I did. He promised me not to bring his friends to our bedroom any more, or if he has to, he should let them go before 10 0'clock.


B:Did he bring many people in yesterday evening?


A:That's right. It really made my blood boil when he asked me to go to the library to study. I was coming to the end of my patience. So I shouted at his friends. They were all shocked at my anger and left at once.


B:So how did you start the quarrel?


A:He told me that I was interfering in his business. It's too much for me.


B:OK. I understand your situation. I will consider arranging you to another bedroom.


