



监督的英语释义:supervise ; superintend ; supervisor ; control ; intendance


1. Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire.

狩猎监督 官被派到新罕布什尔州去执行狩猎法令。

2. The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.

联合国在监督 停火方面会发挥重要作用。


3. The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.

联合国承诺协助监督 扫雷工作。

4. One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults.

一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的监督 。

5. Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.

斯塔克斯法官被指定监督 资金的分配。

6. The President promised a government open to public scrutiny.

总统承诺政府将接受公众监督 。

7. Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.

以前不允许官员监督 投票。

8. The plan calls for a cease-fire and UN supervision of the country.

该计划要求双方停火并由联合国对该国进行监督 。

9. Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case.

定期举行会议以监督 案件的进展。

10. The UN will also be given a loose oversight role.

联合国还将被赋予宽泛的监督 职责。

1. Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire. 狩猎监督 官被派到新罕布什尔州去执行狩猎法令。

2. The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire. 联合国在监督 停火方面会发挥重要作用。

3. The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines. 联合国承诺协助监督 扫雷工作。

4. One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults. 一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的监督 。

5. Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds. 斯塔克斯法官被指定监督 资金的分配。

6. The President promised a government open to public scrutiny. 总统承诺政府将接受公众监督 。

7. Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting. 以前不允许官员监督 投票。

8. The plan calls for a cease-fire and UN supervision of the country. 该计划要求双方停火并由联合国对该国进行监督 。

9. Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case. 定期举行会议以监督 案件的进展。

10. The UN will also be given a loose oversight role. 联合国还将被赋予宽泛的监督 职责。

11. He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially. 他已宣誓公平公正地监督 竞选。

12. First-time licence holders have to work under supervision. 首次取得许可证的人员必须在监督 之下工作。

13. I supervise the packing of all mail orders. 我负责监督 所有邮购商品的包装过程。

14. She oversees both the research and the manufacturing departments. 她既监督 研究部门又监督 生产部门.

15. The umpire's duty is to see that competition is fair play. 裁判员的职责是监督 双方进行公平竞争.

16. The committee acts as an independent watchdog over governmentspending. 这个委员会作为独立监察机构监督 政府开支.

17. We should send a man to superintend the erection of machinery. 我们应派一个人去监督 机器的安装.

18. The house was built under the careful supervision of an architect. 这房子是在一位建筑师的细心监督 下建造的.

19. The foreman overlooked a large number of workers. 工头监督 着许多工人.

20. The work was done under my supervision. 这项工作是在我的监督 之下完成的.

