

成功的意义应该是发挥了自己的所长,尽了自己的努力之后,所感到的一种无愧于心的收获之乐,而不是为了虚荣心或金钱。以下是小编分享的成功的定义 ,一起来和小编看看吧。


New York's reporter asked me: what is the definition of success in China?

I thought for a long time, frowning and said to him: "do yourself."

I am not satisfied with the answer, but I don't know why, but I seem to have been unable to find enough evidence to show that I am happy or successful because I am myself.

Yu Ying is my good friend, she crazy love to travel, in 2009 to participate in the Queensland Tourism Bureau, "the world's best job" - Great Barrier Reef nurse recruitment activities, but also the world's top 50 finalists. In her recent trip around the world, wrote such a story: "my Andy is in Melbourne Australia sofa master, he is the assistant director of the TV station, five years ago and his wife divorced, has two lovely children. Andy said: "people tell you the happy life standard is a good car, a big house, beautiful wife and lovely children, when I have all this is in my life the most happy time."

The definition of success is money, a car, a house, and something else...... But I was always very clear sense, each one of the classes of people, or a fixed salary for people, happiness is much lower than when there is no fixed income, such as less money at school.

I remember when I went to school, and students together to be chipped, two people all want to go, stay single room, crowded sleep in a single bed, only to buy a buy to eat to eat together, or you go to buy this, I'm going to buy one, but anyone regardless of who who spend money, do not care who get more, who eat less. But often, I was so obviously lying on the keyboard, headache brain up a bunch of things that do not think of, and these things can actually bring me money, but I'm sorry, even the rice do not want to eat.

What makes us lose our inner happiness and happiness? How the metaphysical definition of success? Is our pursuit of success, it is money?

A few days ago with the classic chat, he had to know that I have a variety of time in the workplace burst out of a variety of happy and unhappy, he told me a word:

If you want to get a raise, you are very tangled, not entangled, to the tangle; if you want to influence or recognition, or respect, it is everywhere. Don't put your valuable material, he will become easy to break.

I suddenly see light suddenly! That I always feel but indescribable feeling, immediately clear!

I remember when I was in a book signing and press contract, everyone asked me what is royalty, I can make a lot of money, if I can write from into small fupo. Of course, I said I do not care about the level of royalties is false, but the gap is not particularly large when royalty, I will pay more attention to whether the press more respect for my words, my opinion, and will patiently listen to the heart, as the author originally want to express something. I know a lot of writer or author, most of the time, their works express is not the original meaning, because the business, because of the vanity of the world needs a lot of transforms can make life in a heavy constant in people, to buy some thrilling. But often after this, the author's meaning is completely changed, or that each author, in order to sell, in the inherent "mold" under the line of a line of words. This is the unspoken rules, not inside the people do not know which is the humble change in the bitter.

I have also been such unspoken rules, edited by me to follow me: "not enough twists and turns" or "readers are concerned about the Raiders and how to save money......" Just one day, I suddenly choose to give up in front of the computer, give up clean. I do not want my youth in a few months time, the money was smeared mess, and then this confusion and false, but also dumped into the hearts of many people.

My journey to Taiwan, after rejecting 15 publishers before eventually signing out, because they promised me, keep all the words and feelings; after 85 career inspirational book for me, after rejecting nearly 20 publishers had to wait a royalty is not high, but in the end I understand the editor. I sat in the house quiet, unhurried sign, not sad not happy at every step in the direction I want to. Each of these actions, I was very calm, because it was my thing.

If I just want money, want to sell, want these very materialistic things, maybe I will have to check out a few books, or at home is now the book can bring the number of money. If unhappy, and it seems that it should also press on a price increase percentage of royalties! After all is not what special difficult thing. But my heart has been resisting, unknown resistance, what am I waiting for?

I especially thank from Beijing to Taiwan in April 28th listed in Taiwan "," Taiwan version of that so far, because in years after the manuscript to be published, I saw Taiwan press a pedestrian gave me all moved to bring. They received from the manuscript to efficient, listed only two months; they were warm, midway wrote a card to me, encouraged me to wait, thanks to my cooperation; their efforts, at ten midnight to reply; they think for me, help me to do all kinds of things. Cooperation with the world culture press, so I really feel a kind of respect". This feeling gives me happiness and peace of mind, far beyond the level of the royalties. Ann asked me today if I had figured out how much money the book would pay me for the first time, and the way I should be able to avoid the fees for international interbank transfers. I'm so very trust everything to press, because they gave me a positive attitude towards the "value" of doing things, this feeling of trust, pleasure assured ease, satisfaction is perhaps a matter of conscience, I have been waiting for the feeling.

Of course, in addition to this, because this is my first book published in Taiwan, about Taiwan and mainland press, understand the way of Taiwanese, the first to open his own signings, because the first time a book to a place far away in the face of the media, the first being arranged all travel, and is the first time for a lot of years to love my Taiwan friends hug! Every time I think of these, feel particularly warm, but also particularly interesting. A year later, in another way to set foot on the original piece of land, salt crisp chicken will be in the original booth?

Sometimes I'm scared to think, if a year ago I made a little effort of the ups and downs of the workplace novel to you now, if I can put a little bit of royalty money, sleep in peace, but also without fear of being scolded you?

I finally want to understand, "be yourself" is the pursuit of those who truly make the heart truly meet the things, these things make you feel respected and recognized, so you can feel the value of omnipresent. Do you, first of all is a success, because you need to adhere to the very heart to resist the distractions around, and every time after being hit will continue to adhere to, let your heart become more powerful, more invincible, become more "shameless". Suddenly one day, you will find that your persistence, etc., or in exchange for each other's acceptance. And then, you win!

Of course, many people will say that it is difficult to do it in china. But I counted my 25 years of life, I think it is difficult because there is no stick. You should not persist, but should adhere to the top!

Money, can let a person feel dry a fulcrum to pry the feeling; and the omnipresent sense of value, will let you have a lingering feeling, and this kind of things around you, you will feel happy and beautiful, comfortable and sincere, perhaps, this is what we should pursue success.






















