





Life on earth is short and uncertain.


I'm uncertain whether to go or not.


It seems uncertain why he lost the election.


I told him what I thought of him in no uncertain terms!


This is a very uncertain time for the global economy.


The uncertain weather delayed our departure.



It's certain that every effect must have a cause.


I can tell you for certain that I am always honest.

我可以肯定地告诉你, 我一向是老实的。

Certain things are still open to discussion.


For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.


A certain Mr Brown telephoned while you were out.


To a certain extent, I'm in favor of your project.


There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me.


They fast on certain days. 他们在某些天斋戒。

Certain mosquitoes transmit malaria. 某些蚊子传播疟疾。

By certain signs we may presage of heats and rains. 根据某些迹象,我们可以预告酷热和下雨。

The government agreed to peg down the retail price of certain basic food stuffs.政府已同意限制某些基本食物的零售价格。

These lines converge at a certain point. 这些线集中于某一点。

If you only want to work with certain types of clients, only accept those. 如果你只想和某些类型的客户合作,那么只接受那些客户。

So we can do this directly as long as we have certain types of information. 因此,只要知道了一定类型的信息,我们就可以直接做到这一点。

You can use this by selecting one layer, or certain layers to show the propertiesfor those layers only. 你可以选择一个图层或者某些图层,通过用这种方法,来只显示层的相应属性。

It will be a question of the market as to whether certain dealers will decide to staywith us. 这也将是一个有关市场的问题,也就是说是否某些经销商将与我们继续并肩战斗。

Or do you only tell certain people? 或者你是不是只是告诉了某些人?

Everyone has certain likes and dislikes, and there is no denying that we all preferto do the things that we like. 每个人都有某些自己喜欢和不喜欢的事,而且不可否认的是,我们都比较喜欢做自己喜欢做的事。

We cannot normally choose to display only certain information in a component, orto display information from one component in another one. 我们通常不能选择只显示组件中的某些信息,或在另一组件中显示这一组件的信息。

Which they are doing in certain parts of the country. 他们现在在国内的某些地区正在这样做。

However, some individuals have been able to beat certain circumstance on thislist. 然而,一些人已经能够击败在这个名单中的某些情况。

Under certain circumstances you have no choice but to cheat on your girlfriend.在某些情况下,你别无选择只能对不起你女朋友了。

But how could this have been ascertained? And are we certain that the result istrustworthy ? 那么,这个速度是怎样被查明的?我们又怎样才能确信它是可靠的?

In one case, the "taxonomy of record" for certain subsets of the overall enterprisetaxonomy might be managed in another system. 在这种情况下,整个企业分类法的某些子集的 “分类法记录”可能在另一个系统中进行管理。

I am only certain of one thing in my life. I knew what I loved to do, and I did what Iloved to do. 在我的生活中,只有一样东西我是确信无疑:我知道自己喜欢做什么,我做自己喜欢的事。

They want them even in some cases if they don’t like you, or agree with certainactions. 他们急着想要这些产品而不管他们是否喜欢你,或者同不同意你的某些举动。

We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather thanour conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish thosegoals. 我们是自己生命的创造力量,而且是通过我们的决策而不是条件来创造,如果我们细心地学习做某些事情,我们就能达到那些目标。

