


英语恐怖小故事:The seventh mysterious patients

"My wife, she disappeared!"

Sitting opposite professor is a young, pale face was full of confusion and panic.

Glanced at his assistant professor xiao Yang left register ─ ─ Xu Shiqing, that is the name of this young man, in addition, there is no any instructions.

Assistant with the 8 years, professor familiar with her style, each of the door to the clinic patients, assistant will ask for details, as much as possible to record all relevant information, first to audit, professor again decided by professor, do you want to meet with the patients.

Can't, the professor is so famous, that makes his psychological clinic full every day, and professor is too old, old only received six patients every day, one more, as much of his body.

But today, an assistant instead of on the register of patients to make any instructions, moreover, she made a fatal mistake almost, this young man called Xu Shiqing, is today's seventh patients.

Professor seems to see through the confusion, Xu Shiqing said: "your assistant told me, you can only receive 6 patients a day, today's quota is full, let me come back tomorrow, but, I was in a hurry to see you, just hard break in!"

Professor young man looked at the full head big sweat, is still a face of temptation: "a gentleman, your wife is missing, why don't you go to the police, but run to me? I'm just a psychological doctor, what can help you?"

Xu Shiqing shook his head: "no, I know, the police must find her, and her missing more than 24 hours, the police will not accept."

Looking at the face of the Xu Shiqing dignified and desperate, professor curious: "so, your wife, exactly how long missing?"

Xu Shiqing slowly raised his head, sweat pouring from his forehead down: "professor, has been for two hours, my wife, she has been missing for two hours."

Professor angry: "nonsense, two hours is missing! I'm tired, let's call it today, your things, I also can't help you, xiao Yang, fujian!"

Professor Xu Shiqing nasty, pounce on hold hands, were hoarse, Shouting: "professor, give me five minutes of time, you hear me out of her missing after, you make a decision again is not late either!"


Xu Shiqing from urinate obsession with antiques, and archaeological professional college, married mulberry fell soon after graduating from college, the siheyun of mulberry home is old curtilage converted into an antique shop, because too much love, antique shop sell things is little at ordinary times, much collection.

Mulberry is a psychological doctor, main attack direction is hypnosis, sometimes encounter goes wrong, she would say, I wish to do a pure sense of hypnosis, so you can put aside all the worry, to another world.

For his wife, Xu Shiqing just shook his head, every time when a joke to listen to just, until this afternoon.

Afternoon sent a roll of ancient books have a guest, want to consignment, the paper should be a year of yuan and Ming dynasties.

In front of the guests, Xu Shiqing didn't not bashful to turn over the content of the reading, but my heart already itchy, greet a few words with the guest, the guest front foot out of the door, Xu Shiqing hind feet are off the antique shop's door, he will have a good look at a person, what the ancient books recorded content, maybe will find a big secret.

Thought of here, crazy jump up, his heart is almost ran ran behind the counter, he put the books on the behind the counter in the drawer.

But, open the drawer, empty inside, ancient book is missing.

Because just after noon, the store is very cold and cheerless, Xu Shiqing remembered, in addition to the guests from ancient books, just now the shop will be left with yourself, no, like he just sang out also.

Must be down to see the, mulberry fell this person has no interest in any antiques, say everything the antiques are stained with the dead, bad luck, but there are exceptions, that's ─ ─ ancient books.

Thought of here, Xu Shiqing rush to the back room of the bedroom.

Across the far away, Xu Shiqing smelt a full-bodied fragrance, he frowned, he is too familiar with the taste, every time mulberry fell to hypnosis, will ignite the incense.

Mulberry fall often give yourself hypnosis, but every time is at night, today it in broad daylight...

Through the window, Xu Shiqing see, mulberry has closed his eyes, lying on a bamboo chair, like sleeping, on tea table in front of her, out with the old book, it seems, like mulberry is modeled on the book of artistic conception, to hypnosis himself.

Sent this roll of ancient books from the guest to the guest to leave, before and after no more than ten minutes, in the ten minutes, the mulberry found ancient books, and then immediately to hypnosis himself, thus it can be seen, the content of the book must be very attractive.

This let Xu Shiqing increasingly eager to know the content of the ancient books, but he knew that can't disturb hypnotized people, otherwise you will hurt each other's body, so, Xu Shiqing worry, though, he can only wait for, waiting for the end of mulberry of hypnosis.

Because too anxious, Xu Shiqing did not leave, just outside around the circle in the bedroom, look up from time to time, see if mulberry fall already wake up.

And then, something strange happened.

Countless is on the first visit, Xu Shiqing looked up and found that after the mulberry fell out of sight.

Pushed the door open, couch empty, there is no one in the room, incense burning with, also in the pages of books was wind blowing outside the tilt, rustling, Xu Shiqing also can feel the breath of mulberry leaf falls to stay, but she was so in his good, alive is gone.

Xu Shiqing instinctively glanced in the ancient books spread out on the page, the line of sight to live, too for a long time, he raised his head, breath in a gasp!

英语恐怖小故事:Strange drunken driving

He had come from the field, has been to clock in at 8 o 'clock in the evening. Closer to home for more than a month, he thought the first time to return to their home, and his wife and son!

A taxi parked at his side, the driver rolled down his window and seems to be a faint smell of alcohol giving out to his nostrils. Micro frowning brows, he seems to be a little hesitant to take the taxi. But he looked round, taxi have mostly been passengers swarmed out of the car stopped, he no longer hesitate, anxious to return, after all, he has so a few drunken driving experience, does not seem to like of media is so terrible.

"Mr Go?" The driver asked, recognize, tongue has short hair.

"Kant village." After his brief answer, round head, opened on the other side of the door.

Suddenly, a figure he first step unceremoniously crammed into the front passenger's position, the car is a the big fellow of about forty, face red, a face of beard. He play the fool fully distracted tunnel x: "thank you, thank you!"

He short of breath, roared: "Sir, is my first talk about good."

"But I sit in first." The big fellow argued that, didn't flinch.

He tried to further theory, the driver of the big fellow asks: "Sir, are you going?"

"Light crossroads." The big fellow said.

"Just drop by, can a lift, but also can save the fare." The driver silence.

He reluctantly nag, not against the driver's proposal, but blame the big fellow of unreasonable, open the back door of the car door to sit in.

Night was very dark outside, the lights of the bizarre even more confused and anti, traffic screeched flute from time to time, the whole world give a puzzling of mystery and fear.

The big fellow looked back and look than the original kind of many, but he still felt his body seems to be some place an inexplicable uncomfortable place, he just got home quickly.

The big fellow handed a business card, it read: tiangong transportation company deputy general manager, wu nine armour. For the most basic courtesy, he forced a smile or pick up, thinking: what in heaven dragon, called the more ring, is not the real thing, look at his name, neither fish nor fowl, how ridiculous.

The man refers to his body, with a thick foreign accent warns: "Sir, your seat belt."

He blame in your heart, for a while was at home, doing wearing a seatbelt, take off pants break wind, redundant. Think so, but he was reluctant to fasten seat belt on.

A taxi into the fast track, from time to time more than one and the size of a car. Man hastened to dissuade the driver: "Sir, do you like to drink, to drive slowly, ok."

"Do not love please get off the bus driver" discontentedly rebuffed. Much, he also strange man from his heart's hope that driver can drive more faster, better get home early.

Taxi left shaking right sway hooting, big fellow from time to time to the indifferent driver let out a scream of anxiety and fear and pleading.

In taxi trying to transcend a iveco, toward open a speeding of the van, the next is harsh on the brakes and the two cars crashed into each other's huge noise.

The next day, when he came to his senses and found herself lying in a hospital bed, next to guard his is his wife and son. See he opened his eyes, the wife happy tears flow out: "husband, all scared us dead. Didn't you, how we NianLia live!"

The son to her arms around his neck and kissed him, intimacy cried: "daddy."

Nurses to replace lost out liquid, consolation way: "Mr. Right, you just a mild concussion, the driver, poor die very miserably. Luckily, you sit in the back, still wearing a belt, or......." She said no, but he knew she would say something.

"The manager wu? His wounds?" He asked eagerly, he sincerely thank the big fellow, let him pick up a life.

"Which wu manager? Do you mind not awake? Just the two of you on the bus, where there is someone else?"

He tried to recollect what happened, suddenly into the bag to get the card. And he put his hand out, turns out to be a yellow burn out, he felt the trance, I don't know what happened.

Not for a while, the traffic police asked to investigate the situation, and told his car accident both drivers belong to drunk driving, let him make detail the situation at that time. When he again put after again after detailed elaborate in detail, the traffic police was surprised: "wu nine armour? The name is very familiar with. He is my last year handled the death of a drunk driving accident pickup driver's name, because of its special name, especially so remember." Traffic police went on to say, "it's strange that I have recently processed the other two survivors of the traffic accident in oral, the mysterious also named..."

英语恐怖小故事:The "ghost" in the enclosure

The early years of the qing dynasty shunzhi, WuQing County east it, west standard between it and the xiaonangou prosperous three village has a very good, the land close to a river, the water source is adequate, the land is fertile, dozen of food than what field, three village people call the place on high ground. Because when the Ming dynasty who is the policy of benefiting the forest, the land is joint clearing the three village, so the land has always been three village public welfare, income is mainly used in the three village roads and Bridges, repair temples, relief poor sickness, holiday celebrations, etc. A dozen homes in leasing the land, there are a dozen called Dong Zhimin door head, each responsible for arranging the production, to produce food to the three village, village council. Don't look at what the head is not immortal, administers to three village can do a good job in public welfare undertakings, and allocate the land all by him.

This year winter, Dong Zhimin call dozen household labor together, is preparing what kind of research in spring next year. Someone rollerblading rushed in, said there was a great soldiers from the west, riding a horse, with a sword and see the good land, riding a horse is running on a circle in the ground, with peg, write the name, the land is their. People go up with their theory, they say it's the capital enclosure, who respect, resistance is the resistance to purport to shoot.

Dong Zhimin a listen to be nasty, stand up and say: "what is the reason this? We have rest of your life, they say that circle circle, with the bandits and what's the difference? I tell you that our kind of the land, but the lifeblood of three village people, if did not have got in our hands, we can be sorry commanding his, more sorry three village, old fellow, everyone copy guy, care to me!" Everyone a listen to, all copy up guy, Dong Zhimin followed out of the house.

Dong Zhimin with people just on the road, two dozen soldiers arrived. Ride like a fast service in front, and a finger Dong Zhimin the plot of ground, said: "write on the land, to the Song Fu name." Fast "say that finish, two soldiers on horseback will rush into the ground. Dong Zhimin saw and came up with the crowd: "stop, the land is us, you want to ring, have to ask our hands pickmattock dry stem!" See a fast service, eyes a stare: "bold and unruly, we are serve purport enclosure, stop here, you don't want to rebel?" Dong Zhimin eyes stare is bigger than fast service: "against what? Against civil revolt, who dare to approach the land, I will let him stand in, lay out!" Two soldiers rushed a fast service motioning with his hand: "don't touch him, enclosure!" Two soldiers on horseback, ran into the field on the boundary and lime. Dong Zhimin really nasty, rushed a motioning with his hand, "folks, what are you waiting for? Put together with them!" Say that finish, carrying pickmattock will chase to two soldiers.

Villagers to soldiers, with Dong Zhimin first discount the horse leg, together and pickmattock shovel to two soldiers head say hello. Two soldiers can be miserable, haven't had time to make alas! Two, head to turn into a lousy persimmon.

Fast service, frighten repeatedly back: "backwards, backwards, really give me who won!" Two dozen soldiers a listen to, each holding a sword rushed to villagers. Dong Zhimin bring dozens of people have been killed red eye, though they do not have a sword and can pick, pick, sickle makes a squeaky, power is better than a sword. Villagers and soldiers a melee, results and all the people ran away. That led to run very slowly, fast service let Dong Zhimin a sickle cut off an ear. Fast service covering her ears shouts at Dong Zhimin: "ok, you wait, you wait!" Dong Zhimin sickle a flick: "I'm waiting for you, you dare to come again, I you also cut off the ear!"

Soldiers ran away, Dong Zhimin led the folks back home. They have just arrived home, quick service with a standard definition of the troops arrived. Soldiers surrounded the village, the villagers were arrested, didn't escape a Dong Zhimin. Soldiers led is a lieutenant, he asked: quick service ", who is leading to revolt." A fast service refers to Dong Zhimin: "is he, my ear was cut off." Lieutenant nodded, and let the soldiers marched all the villagers to more than ten kinds of fields, such as Dong Zhimin Dong Zhimin hanging on a tree, also called to dozens of archers, in front of the villagers, the Dong Zhimin shot dead in a tree. Then said: "after the land is mine, who want to back to the land again, he is an example!" Say that finish, let a person on that piece of ground in situ planed pit, buried the Dong Zhimin in the field.

Brigade soldiers go, lieutenant left dozens of soldiers to see, also left a housekeeper called Song Youcai land management. Song Youcai called originally a tiller of the ground more than ten families together, said: "though the land has been owned by the owner's name, but you can also, rent ninety percent, who have to turn it in in the if not JiaoLiang head!" Hearing this, the villagers this guy is not to drink the blood of our? Rent JiaoJiu into, we have to drink northwest breeze a year! Can be Song Youcai hands dozens of soldiers, the villagers are not to be taunted, had to endure.

The following spring, the tender grass sprouted, also in the spring. Before spring sowing, folks to the watering again first, and then on the damp land and seeds. Irrigate fields, the villagers from the dragon river water into the ground, but also around the clock, or ground water is bad.

That night, a few folks water for a while, just squat down smoking in the fields to have a rest. As he spoke, there was a man suddenly said, "hey, listen, the field is what sound?" Everyone stopped talking and listened, but a listen to, hair root up all of us. When they heard someone pull a long talk, the field has a deep voice, abnormal terror: "come also come my life -- we -- this is our land, you don't give clear dogs -" as a slave in the light of the moon the ground bare, what all have no, that voice seems to come from underground issued. Everyone listened for a moment, all stood up and said, "is a ghost, the ghost of Dong Zhimin, the land cannot be planted, run!"

Have a few people to run to find Song Youcai, said the field Dong Zhimin ghosts, they are not kind. Song Youcai not letter, with a few soldiers to the field to see, ear, a listen to, indeed as expected have a voice. Song Youcai scared calf straight twitch, but also with a strong, said to the soldiers, "what the hell? Spectre, fear of the wicked, you look at the sound come from? To me it!" A few armed soldiers followed the sound in the past, in the ground plane for a moment, plane with nothing. Song have just call to a few people, said: "see? There's nothing here, your honesty farming, don't look for excuses to delays, otherwise I can you're welcome!" Villagers dare not say what, have to irrigate fields.

The next day, strange things happen. Last night went to the fields that a few armed soldiers suddenly dottiness, faint on the bed, but before the card shark come Song Youcai, that a few armed soldiers die was black. Song Youcai frightened, are the field really a ghost? Otherwise, how a few soldiers suddenly died? Practitioners to qing soldiers checked, but did not find the cause of death. Mr Song Youcai find Mr Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang and see what is going on. Mr Yin and Yang, armed soldiers have some scratches on the leg, just like being folded claws scratched. Mr Yin said: "the song butler, that ye may be several army spectre, claimed lives, you are far away from the land." Hearing this, the Song Youcai away from the land? That you do, I away from how to club?

Off the Mr Yin and Yang, Song Youcai turned a circle into the ground and found a field weeds grew up, if you don't grasp sowing seeds, the delayed harvest. Song Youcai with armed soldiers arresting people from door to door, forced villagers weeding seeding. Work in ghosts, folks are all afraid of the fields were all Dally. Song Youcai smoke with clear of the soldiers with a whip in one side, the end of the day, the land finally finished packing.

In the evening, Song Youcai suddenly feel groggy, looked down and his legs have appeared in the claws scratched with scratches. Said his heart is bad, want to call a person, please advice, but already late, at present one black fell on the bed.

That night, Song Youcai and the whipping folks in the field of armed soldiers were all covered in black is dead. The remaining few soldiers, the field is really a ghost, ran, report to the general song.

A few armed soldiers gone to Beijing, overnight to shoot Dong Zhimin lieutenant report. Song lieutenant or not, with a band of men came to the field. Asked where folks in ghosts. Point buried Dong Zhimin local villagers, said: "the place, someone talking in the night, several people went to die on the place, we can't go to that place." Song lieutenant spirit, personally take shovel to that piece of ground, and digging shovel. He shoveled away that piece of ground with weeds, a shovel shovel to dig deep to smashing the Dong Zhimin dug up the remains, see what he has fresh. Song lieutenant to dig for a moment, suddenly feel blacked out, again want to dig has no strength. Guards, mixed, hurriedly song lieutenant rush to send army to song lieutenant to see the doctor. But doctor hasn't arrived yet, song lieutenant are all black, was dead. Under this, soldiers are dumbfounded, the song lieutenant corpse back to Beijing, from then on no one dared to the field.

Soldiers are fired, villagers also nobody dared to the plots of land, be afraid of the ghost of Dong Zhimin also find settled accounts with them. At that time, Dong Zhimin eldest son the villagers gather up, said: "everyone at ease farming at a later time, the field doesn't have a my dad's soul, and that is what I use a meter, scare is trying to clear a dog, our house from sichuan, dad has always retained a wild carefully Li, the seeds of this grass to be toxic, burr cut skin, people will be poisoned, dad died, in retaliation for dad, I just planted in the field wild carefully Li, also lie in the path of buried dad a skin tube, and in the evening, I in the distance to the skin tube propaganda, we heard the sound of a field, qing dogs were wild carefully Li poison, but you don't worry, because I put the cure in our drinking water, under the well, the black dog ring my back to us, let's also then, if dad knew we managed to, also it can rest in peace." Hearing this, the villagers all secretly nod, it was like father like son! So, everybody unanimously elected as the leader, the son of Dong Zhimin continue to kind of land, revenue for the three village of public welfare undertakings.







