



中国水运历史悠久。早在商朝就有了帆船。隋朝大运河(TheGrand Canal)为南北水运带来了很大便利。明朝时期,郑和七次下西洋,在其中一次航行中,他到达了非洲东海岸。中国河流众多,海岸线长,水运条件优越。长江是最重要的内陆航运(inland shipping)通道,其主流从四川宜宾到海洋,全长超过3000公里。重庆、武汉和南京是长江沿岸的重要港口。中国港口很多,适宜海运,如上海、大连、秦皇岛、天津、青岛、宁波、厦门、广州等。这些港口的航线能通往世界上150多个国家和地区。


China's water transport has a long history.Early inthe Shang Dynasty,there were sailing boats.TheGrand Canal in the Sui Dynasty provided greatconvenience for south-north water transport.Inthe Ming Dynasty,Zheng He sailed across seas seventimes and reached the east coast of Africa during one of his voyages.China has plenty ofrivers,a long coastline and advantageous water transport conditions.The Yangtze River is themost important inland shipping channel.Its mainstream,from Yibin in Sichuan Province to thesea,has a total length of over 3,000 kilometers.Chongqing,Wuhan and Nanjing are importantports along the river.China has fevorable conditions for maritime transport with manyharbors,such as Shanghai,Dalian,Qinhuangdao,Tianjin,Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen,Guangzhou andso on.There are shipping routes from these ports to over 150 countries and regions all over theworld.

中国水运历史悠久。早在商朝就有了帆船。隋朝大运河(TheGrand Canal)为南北水运带来了很大便利。明朝时期,郑和七次下西洋,在其中一次航行中,他到达了非洲东海岸。中国河流众多,海岸线长,水运条件优越。长江是最重要的内陆航运(inland shipping)通道,其主流从四川宜宾到海洋,全长超过3000公里。重庆、武汉和南京是长江沿岸的重要港口。中国港口很多,适宜海运,如上海、大连、秦皇岛、天津、青岛、宁波、厦门、广州等。这些港口的航线能通往世界上150多个国家和地区。


China's water transport has a long history.Early inthe Shang Dynasty,there were sailing boats.TheGrand Canal in the Sui Dynasty provided greatconvenience for south-north water transport.Inthe Ming Dynasty,Zheng He sailed across seas seventimes and reached the east coast of Africa during one of his voyages.China has plenty ofrivers,a long coastline and advantageous water transport conditions.The Yangtze River is themost important inland shipping channel.Its mainstream,from Yibin in Sichuan Province to thesea,has a total length of over 3,000 kilometers.Chongqing,Wuhan and Nanjing are importantports along the river.China has fevorable conditions for maritime transport with manyharbors,such as Shanghai,Dalian,Qinhuangdao,Tianjin,Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen,Guangzhou andso on.There are shipping routes from these ports to over 150 countries and regions all over theworld.


中国水运历史悠久。早在商朝就有了帆船。隋朝大运河(TheGrand Canal)为南北水运带来了很大便利。明朝时期,郑和七次下西洋,在其中一次航行中,他到达了非洲东海岸。中国河流众多,海岸线长,水运条件优越。长江是最重要的内陆航运(inland shipping)通道,其主流从四川宜宾到海洋,全长超过3000公里。重庆、武汉和南京是长江沿岸的重要港口。中国港口很多,适宜海运,如上海、大连、秦皇岛、天津、青岛、宁波、厦门、广州等。这些港口的航线能通往世界上150多个国家和地区。


China's water transport has a long history.Early inthe Shang Dynasty,there were sailing boats.TheGrand Canal in the Sui Dynasty provided greatconvenience for south-north water transport.Inthe Ming Dynasty,Zheng He sailed across seas seventimes and reached the east coast of Africa during one of his voyages.China has plenty ofrivers,a long coastline and advantageous water transport conditions.The Yangtze River is themost important inland shipping channel.Its mainstream,from Yibin in Sichuan Province to thesea,has a total length of over 3,000 kilometers.Chongqing,Wuhan and Nanjing are importantports along the river.China has fevorable conditions for maritime transport with manyharbors,such as Shanghai,Dalian,Qinhuangdao,Tianjin,Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen,Guangzhou andso on.There are shipping routes from these ports to over 150 countries and regions all over theworld.

目前,中国年龄在18岁至30岁之间的人口数量约为2.7亿,该年龄段人群智能手机(smartphone)拥有率髙达92%,远髙于全球67%的平均水平。据统计,中国城镇居民全年人均(percapita)可支配收入(disposable income)为24565元,平均每月2047元,工作三个月才买得起一部5288元的iPhone 5。而2012年前10个月美国实际人均可支配收人为32653.1美元,平均每月3265美元,一个月就可以买16部199美元的iPhone 5。按此计算,美国在iPhone 5的消费力方面是中国的48倍,而智能手机普及率(coverage)仍被中国超过,由此可见中国人对智能手机的巨大热情。


Currently,there are about 270 million people agedbetween 18 and 30 in China,and the owning rate ofsmartphone among this age group is up to 92%,farabove the global average of 67%.According tostatistics,the annual per capita disposable income ofChinese urban residents is 24,565 yuan,with average monthly income per capita being 2,047yuan.That means,urban residents can afford an iPhone 5 with a price of 5,288 yuan afterworking for 3 months.Whereas,during the first 10 months in 2012,actual per capita disposableincome in America is 32,653.1 dollars,with average monthly income per capita being 3,265dollars.That tells us,American people can afford 16 iPhones 5 by working only for onemonth.Calculating in this way,American people's consumptive power of iPhone 5 is 48 times thatof Chinese people.But the coverage of smartphone in America is still surpassed by China,fromwhich Chinese people's great enthusiasm towards smartphone is obvious.

