



1) First... you fight with your head. Then you fight with your heart 首先,用脑子去战斗 然后用心去战斗 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

2) And so the boy, given up for dead...returns to his people, to sacred Sparta, a king! 男孩抛开了死亡,回到了族人的身边回到了神圣的斯巴达,成为了王 Our king, Leonidas!! 我们的王!列奥尼达! --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

3) 从他能站立的那一刻起,就要接受战火的洗礼 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

4) In the end... a Spartars true strength …is the warrior next to him. 最终,斯巴达人真正的力量 是他身边的勇士 So give respect and honor to him, and it will be returned to you. 尊重身边的人并给予荣耀 你会得到回报的. --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

5) Constantly tested, tossed into the wild. 他被扔在了野外,接受更多的考验 Left to pit his wits and will against nature's fury. 只能用他的智慧和意志去对抗大自然的狂暴 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

6) It's not fear that grips him…only a heightened sense of things. The cold air in his lungs. 并不是害怕束缚了他而是对某种东西不断加深的感受 是他肺里充满冰冷的空气. --扎克·施奈德

7) By rod and lash the boy was punished taught to show no pain, no mercy. 木棍和鞭子用来惩罚这个男孩让他忘记了伤痛和怜悯 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

8) Manufactured by 300 years of Spartan warrior society... 承袭斯巴达战士300年的传统 to create the finest soldiers the world has ever known. 训练出世上最勇猛的战士 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

9) “我们射出的箭会遮天蔽日!” “那我们就能在荫凉下战斗了! ” --扎克·施奈德

10) 如果他很瘦小或虚弱,或多病,或畸形他就会被抛弃 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》


1) It's been more than years since the wolf and the winter cold. 距离那次冬天里遭遇狼的事已年了 And now, as then, a beast approaches. 而现在,一只野兽正在靠近… Patient and confident, savoring the meal to come. 耐心并且自信,它嗅到了肉的味道 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

2) But this beast is made of men and horses...swords and spears. 这只野兽由人、马、刀、剑组成 Ready to snuff out the world's one hope for reason and justice. 企图扼杀世界上理智和正义的唯一希望 A beast approaches... and it was King Leonidas himself who provoked it. 野兽正在靠近 这是列奥尼达王挑起的战争 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

3) The wolf begins to circle the boy. Claws of black steel. .fur as dark night. 野狼开始围着这个男孩如钢铁般的利爪,如黑夜般的皮毛 Eyes glowing red... jewels from the pit of hell itself The giant wolf sniffing...savoring the scent of the meal to come. 眼里发着红光 如同万丈深渊里的两颗宝石 巨大的恶狼嗅到 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

4) Windswept pines moving against the coming night. 大风吹袭着松树…在夜幕中摇动 His hands are steady. His form... perfect. 他的双手沉稳… 动作敏捷…完美无缺 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

5) The agoge, as it's called, forces the boy to fight. Starves them, forces them to steal.. .and if necessary, to kill. 艰苦训导是它的目标它迫使男孩去战斗,让他忍受饥饿,迫使他去偷窃如果必要,还要去杀戮 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

6) My father taught me... that fear is always a constant. But accepting it ...makes you stronger 我父亲教导我,害怕是一直存在的 接受它 会让你变得更强 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

7) That's it. Now, the more you sweat here, the less you'll bleed in battle. 就是这样!现在付出的汗水越多,战场上流的血就越少 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

8) “简直是疯狂!” “疯狂?这就是斯巴达!” --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

9) was the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. 这是一名勇士一生最大的荣耀 At age , as is customary in Sparta... 一个七岁的男孩,按照斯巴达惯例 the boy was taken from his mother and plunged into a world of violence. 必须离开母亲的怀抱进入弱肉强食的暴力世界 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

10) It was his initiation his time in the wild. for he would return to his people a Spartan or not at all. 他在野外的时期,只是一个开始因为他以斯巴达人的身份回到他的族人中去或者根本就回不去 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》

11) 必须像每个斯巴达人一样接受检验 --扎克·施奈德 《斯巴达300勇士》










