Looking back at my younger years, I am sometimes amazed at how life has turned out. Nothing is exactly what I had originally planned for. The only thing that stays the same is who I am, my values, and my interests. If I could go back in time and hang out with my younger self for a day, here's what I would tell her.
1. Everything happens for a reason.
Without mistakes and failure, you would never have learned. Without pain, you would never have grown. Once you understand this,you will know that everything comes in to serve a purpose. So don't stress or think that life is unfair, because everything happens for a reason. And only time will tell what it will teach us.
2. Focus on one thing at a time. You can have it all but not all at once.
It is not surprising that many of us are doing too many things at once. We need to make ends meet. But if you are working three jobs at a time, it is not likely that you will succeed at any of them. You have to keep your eyes on the big picture. You have to ask yourself what exactly do you want to achieve for the next 10 years? Focus on one thing at a time. Achieve your goals one by one.
3. You can plan ahead, but your plan will definitely change when the time comes.
You can plan ahead because sometimes planning ahead can give you a clearer direction of where you want to go. However, plans will almost always change, so be prepared!
4. Trust your instincts.
Don't worry too much about a decision you have to make. Just do what feels right. You know what you want. You might consult other people. But deep down, you know what you want. Do what makes you happy. Because at the end of the day, even if you follow logic, you will want to quit and follow your heart.
5. It's okay to be unsure about your purpose in life.
You might be graduating or have hit a turning point with your career. You might feel a bit lost and unsure of where to go. It's okay. Go out there and try as many different things as you can. Don't ever feel like you're wasting your time. Enjoy the journey. Don't rush. Every little path will lead you somewhere. And looking back, you will be able to connect the dots. It will all make sense.
6. Don't try too hard with people.
Don't worry if you feel like it's hard to make new friends. Just be yourself and be as open as you can. It might take a while until you find new best friends and a mate for life, but when you do, you will know it. It's not hard work. So, just do your thing and be yourself.
7. Take of leap of faith in yourself.
You've got nothing to lose but everything to gain. If you fail, you'll become smarter; If you succeed, you'll gain even more self-confidence and the emotional and financial rewards. See life as a progressive journey. And you'll most certainly achieve anything you set your mind to.
Paris (AFP) - In just over seven months, humanity hasused up a full year's allotment of natural resources such as water, food andclean air -- the quickest rate yet, according to a new report.
The point of "overshoot" will officially bereached on Monday, said environmental group Global Footprint Network -- fivedays earlier than last year.
环保组织 Global Footprint Network表示,周一就达到“过度”的临界点,比去年早了五天。
"We continue to grow our ecological debt,"said Pascal Canfin of green group WWF, reacting to the annual update.
作为对年度环境数据的回应,环保组织WWF的Pascal Canfin说到:“我们欠大自然的账单会不断增加。”
"From Monday August 8, we will be living oncredit because in eight months we would have consumed the natural capital thatour planet can renew in a year."
The gloomy milestone is marked every year on what isknown as Earth Overshoot Day.
In 1993, the day fell on October 21, in 2003 onSeptember 22 and last year on August 13.
In 1961, according to the network, humankind used onlyabout three-quarters of Earth's annual resource allotment. By the 1970s, economicand population growth sent Earth into annual overshoot.
根据Global Footprint Network所说,1961年,人类一年只用了四分之三的自然资源配额。而到了20世纪70年代,经济和人口增长把地球推到了年度的自然资源超支。
"This is possible because we emit more carbondioxide into the atmosphere than our oceans and forests can absorb, and wedeplete fisheries and harvest forests more quickly than they can reproduce andregrow," the network said in a statement.
Global Footprint Network在一份声明中说到:“这是有可能的,因为我们向大气中排放更多的二氧化碳,而海洋和森林无法全部吸收,我们消耗渔牧业所得的速度也超过了它们生产繁殖的速度。”
To calculatethe date for Earth Overshoot Day, the group crunches UN data on thousands ofeconomic sectors such as fisheries, forestry, transport and energy production.
Earth-warming greenhouse gas emissions, it said, arenow the fastest-growing contributor to ecological overshoot, making up 60percent of humanity's demands on nature .
According to the UN, the number of people on Earth isforecast to grow from 7.3 billion today to 11.2 billion by the end of thecentury -- piling further pressure on our planet and its finite resources.
微软Win 10系统升级致USB摄像头罢工
A Windows 10 update has stopped many popular webcams from working.
日前,Win 10系统的一次升级已经让许多网络摄像头停止了工作。
The update, released earlier this month, stops many cameras being used for Skype or to broadcast and stream footage.
The cause seems to be a change in the way Windows 10 handles video. Microsoft said it was working on a fix but has not given any date for when the patch will be available.
造成这一现象的原因似乎是因为Win 10系统处理视频的方式发生了改变。微软公司表示,他们正在修复这个问题,但是并没有给出补丁可以使用的日期。
Soon after Windows Update 1607 was distributed in early August, many people started reporting webcam problems to Microsoft via its support site.
自从8月上旬Win 10更新1607版本发布以来,许多人都开始通过网站向微软公司报告摄像头问题。
The trouble affected both webcams connected via USB cables or on the same network and meant either that footage could not be streamed, or that images froze after a while.
Analysis put the blame on changes to the video encoding systems with which Windows 10 works.
分析结果将这一问题归咎于Win 10系统视频编码系统的改变。
The update ends support for two widely used encoding systems so it became possible for more than one application to use video as it is being shot. Prior to the update Windows 10 only allowed one application access to a stream.
Win 10支持两个使用很广泛的视频编码系统,如此一来,在拍摄视频的时候就可以有多个软件来处理这个视频。在Win 10更新之前,一次只能运行一个软件处理视频。
A Microsoft camera engineer who responded to complaints on the support thread said the company had done "a poor job" of letting people know about the change.
"We dropped the ball on that front, so I'd like to offer my apologies to you all," he said.
He added that Microsoft was working on a way to fix the problem and get webcams working again. The fix is likely to be released in September.
Microsoft has yet to officially comment on the problem.