



Danger signs

Once upon a time, there was an old lion. He was very slow, and it was difficult for him to catch any animals. When he did catch one, it always got away. He was too weak to hold onto them.

Then he had an idea! He told all the other animals that he was sick. Then he lay down in a cave and waited. When the other animals came to visit him, he leaped up and ate them.

One day, an old and wise fox walked past the entrance to the cave. He called out to the lion and asked him how he was. "Bad," answered the hungry lion, "why don't you come in and visit me?"

But the wise fox sensed danger. He had noticed that there were many tracks going into the cave and none at all coming back out. "No, thanks," said the wise fox. "I have lived to be very old because I always see the signs of danger before it is too late."


The deer at the pond

There once lived a deer who had large, strong antlers. The antlers protected the deer from attacks, so enemies left him alone.

One day, the deer went to a pond to drink. The water was like a mirror. When the deer looked at his big antlers in the water, he was proud. "I look like a king," he said, "and this forest is my kingdom."

Then he noticed something else. "My legs are slender and my feet are small," he said. "They look so weak. I hate them."

While the deer was complaining, a wolf appeared at the pond. When the deer saw him, he ran toward the trees. The wolf quickly ran after him.

The deer was a fast runner and reached the trees first,but then his large antlers got stuck in some branches. When the wolf caught up to him, the deer cried out with regret.

"I admired my antlers, but they are the cause of my troubles. My legs and feet could have saved me, but I hated them. I didn't appreciate what was truly valuable!"


The travelers and the bear

Once upon a time, two friends were traveling together in a forest. Suddenly, a bear jumped out onto the path.

One friend saw the bear first. He quickly climbed up a tree and hid. He did not stop to help his friend.

The other friend was left alone with the bear. He had to think fast. The bear moved closer to the man.

The man fell down to the ground and did not move. The bear came up to the man and began to smell him.

The man held his breath and lay perfectly still. Soon, the bear lost interest in the man and left. When it was clear that the bear was gone, the man in the tree came down to the ground.

He was very happy to see that his friend was safe. "That bear was so close that it looked like it was talking to you!" he joked. "What did it say?"

"The bear gave me this advice," said the man. "Never travel with a friend who deserts you when there is trouble.”


The Farmer’s treasure

There once was an old farmer. He was a hardworking man, so every year his harvest was verygreat.

One day, he became sick. He knew he would die soon. He wanted his two sons to look after the farm. "Long ago," he told them, "I put a great treasure in one of the vineyards."

After the farmer died, the sons began to dig carefully around the vines. Every day, they woke up early and worked until night. "We have to dig everywhere and find the treasure!" they said.

The two sons dug all summer, but they didn't find the treasure. They were tired and sad. Theysat down near the fields and talked one day.

"Maybe our father was only dreaming," said the older son. The younger son was looking at the vineyards. The vines were full of big, juicy grapes. Suddenly, he understood. "Brother, this great harvest is our treasure!"

The older brother looked at the vines. "You're right! Our father has taught us a wonderful lesson: Hard work brings great rewards."

