



1. come for来接人;来取物

2. come forth出来;涌现

3. come home回家;打中

4. come in for接受(份儿、遗产等)

5. come into effect开始生效,开始实行

6. come into one's own进入繁盛期

7. come into operation施行;生效;开始工作

8. come into use开始被使用

9. come into进入;得到

10. come of出身于;由…引起

11. come off(计划等)实现;举行

12. come on(劝说等)来吧;开始

13. come out with发表,提出;公布

14. come out出版;传出;显现

15. come over过来;从远方来

16. come round(非正式的)来访;绕道

17. come through经历(困难);获得成功

18. come to a close结束,终止

19. come to an end告终,结束;完结

20. come to life苏醒过来

21. come to one's mind忽然想起

22. come to one's senses恢复理性;醒悟过来

23. come to terms with达成协议;妥协,让步

24. come to the point说到要点;扼要地说

25. come to苏醒;共计;达到


1. come true(希望等)实现,达到

2. come true实现,达到

3. come under编入,归入(某一项目)

4. come up against碰到(困难、反对等)

5. come up smiling重振精神

6. come up to达到;符合

7. come up with追上,赶上;提出

8. come up走近;(从土中)长出

9. come what may不管发生什么事

10. compare with与…相比较

11. compare...to把…比作;与…相比较

12. complain of抱怨;诉苦;抗议

13. connect with连接;相通,衔接

14. considering that鉴于…,就…而论

15. consist in在于;存在于

16. consist of由…构成,包含有

17. consult with与…商量(协商)

18. contribute to有助于…,促成

19. cope with对付…,妥善处理

20. correspond to相当于;和…相符合

21. count in把…计算在内

22. count on依靠;期待,指望

23. count out点…的数

24. count up把…加起来,共计

cover over遮没


1. clear off消除,摆脱(负担等)

2. clear out把…清出(或出空)

3. clear up消除(误会等);整理

4. close about围住,包围

5. close down(工厂等)关闭,倒闭

6. close down停止播送;控制

7. close in包围;(昼,夜)逐渐变短

8. close in包围;迫近;渐短

9. close one's ears to掩耳不听

10. close over淹没;封盖;遮蔽

11. close up(伤口)愈合;停业

12. close up关闭;堵塞;靠近

13. close with靠近,逼近;接受

14. combine with使结合;使联合起来

15. come about发生;(风等)改变方向

16. come across(越过…而)来到

17. come after跟在…后面;跟踪

18. come alive活跃起来;觉悟起来

19. come at袭击;达到;得到

20. come before在…之前来

21. come between在…中间;离间

22. come by从旁走过;得到

23. come down on申斥;惩罚

24. come down on申斥;惩罚;袭击

25. come down败落

