


1. When Philip, King of Macedon , wanted a tutor for his son Alexander, he sentfor Aristotle. 马其顿王菲利普为儿子亚历山大请家庭教师时, 便去请亚里士多德.

2. I always think Faye Wong is a special woman. 一直觉得王菲很特别.

3. Obviously, Wang Fei is very moved and so are the others. 很明显的是王菲是有点激动,就像其他人一样.

4. Wiki: The lyrics are dedicated to the Faroe Islands and Greenland. 王菲的英文歌,但是只是对象是格陵兰和法罗群岛.

5. Faye Wong is in semi - retirement. 王菲已半退休.

6. And , does Wang Fei bump against a shirt? 跟王菲撞衫?

7. Many netizens vehemently abused Wang Fei after reading posts copied fromthat website. 许多网民在阅读了从那个网站转载的帖子后,都激烈地辱骂王菲.

8. The history of the guqin, its place in China's culture, famous guqin players,pieces, etc. 王菲讲古琴历史, 在中国文化中的地位, 著名的琴人, 名曲等.

9. It to see this again . I another song mesmerize and she also sang song thatnight. 惭愧,曾经车中放了这歌曲有近半年吧,居然不知道原来是王菲唱的.

10. In what appears to be the first such case in China, Wang to sue histormentors. 这类案子似乎是中国的第一例, 王菲决定起诉使自己如此痛苦之人.

11. Zhejiang coach Wong was forced to call up this game of the first suspended. 浙江队主帅王菲被迫叫出本场比赛的首个暂停.

12. Faye Wong's soothing , ethereal voice was considered perfect for conveyingand lofty spirit of the song. 而王菲具有疗愈特质的空灵天籁, 被视为表达歌曲中崇高精神的完美之选.

13. However, Wong abortion such a thing, it is better not to over - speculation aswell. 但对于王菲流产这样的事情, 还是不要过度炒作为好.

14. Subsequently, this reporter repeatedly tried to contact on Faye Wong, but allfailed. 随后, 本报记者多次试图联系上王菲, 但均未果.

15. Faye Wong and Li Yapeng is a good family life, no marital problems. 王菲与李亚鹏现一家人生活得很好, 没有出现婚姻问题.

16. If you want to go to Faye Wang's concert, you should buy your ticket inadvance. 如果你想去听王菲的演唱会, 得提前买票.

17. In recent days, days after rumors Wong abortion was hubbub, a great runout of momentum. 近日, 天后王菲流产的传闻被闹得沸沸扬扬, 大有一发不可收拾之势.

18. Murphy's powerfully spoken Oedipus is an autocrat of iconic grandeur. 墨菲激情演绎的俄狄浦斯王是位圣像般威严的独裁者。

19. Nefretiri: You will be king of Egypt and I will be your footstool! 奈菲蒂丽: 你会是埃及的王,我会是你的垫脚椅子.

20. But the most important thing in Phillips'life was the discovery of Elvis. 但菲利普斯一生中最重要的事情是发现了“猫王”.

21. Wang , Fuhmei and Yi - Chi Chen , 2005, " Capital Outflow Controls and Employment Sacrifice : the Malaysian Experience ". 陈奕奇, 王富美, 2005, “ 不完全竞争 、 资本流入管制与菲力普曲线 ”.

