


爆笑短篇英文笑话:It's Too Late 太晚了

A medical student was called on to state how much of a certain drug he would give to a patient. He promptly replied: "Five grains."

A minute later the student asked the professor, "May I correct my answer?" The professor looked at his watch and said: "It's too late. Your patient died thirty seconds ago."



爆笑短篇英文笑话:Monkey and Policeman 猴子与警察

A policeman took a monkey to his boss. The boss asked, "What kind of monkey business are you getting up to?" He said, "This monkey was wandering on the streets, not following any of the rules. I'm turning him in". The boss said, "Oh, my God! You're so dumb! If you catch a monkey, you have to take it to the zoo. Why bring it to me. Take it to the zoo!" So the policeman took the monkey out.

Three or four days later, he was seen again, holding the monkey's hand. He took the monkey to the police car, opened the door,put it in, and was about to drive away. The boss saw this, ran out, and asked, "Oh, my God! How come the monkey is still here? I told you to take it to the zoo". The policeman replied, "Yes, sir. I've already taken him to the zoo. Today, I'm taking him to see a movie".



爆笑短篇英文笑话:I'm a chicken 我是一只鸡

Psychiatrist: What's your problem?

Patient: I think I'm a chicken.

Psychiatrist: How long has this been going on?

Patient: Ever since I was an egg!





爆笑短篇英文笑话:You may put my beard on again

A man who sold brooms went into a barber's shop to get shaved. The barber brought one of his brooms. After he had shaved him, he asked for the price of the brooms.

"Two pence," said the man.

"No, no," said the barber. "I will give you a penny, and if you don't think that is enough, you may take your broom back!"

The man took it and asked what he had to pay his shave.

"A penny," said the barber.

"I will give you a half penny, and if that is not enough, you may put my beard on again."

