

摘录:我们应该停下来。停止发短信,打字,打电话,电话录音和电邮。多花点时间和家人、朋友呆在一起。个人的,面对面的。去散散步。做一些运动。有点像WII 系统里 (电视游戏机Wii的操作系统),只有真人和新鲜的空气。也许我们少往脑子里塞点东西,我们的生活中就会有更多的时间。


Do you feel overwhelmed and tired? Is there not enough time in the day for you?Maybe its time to step back and take a look at what is really important in your life. This article explores different ways to put some more time in your life. Stress free time, quality time for you to spend on yourself, your family or friends.

Sometimes ignorance can be bliss. Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about being uneducated or stupid. Learn and read, watch the news. Once, twice a day. However, do you really need to have CNN streaming in the background twenty four hours a day. Do you need screen in screen on your television? What I am saying is do we have to know everything all the time? When is too much knowledge too much? Can a person have too much useless information? Do we need to know all about the Octomom's new house? Or exactly what is going on with Michael Jackson's doctors.


有时候,无知也是一种福气。不要误解我。我不是在讲不受教育或者变笨。学习,读书,看新闻。一天一次,两次。但是,你是否真的需要CNN(美国有线新闻网络)一天24小时在你耳边讲个不停? 你是否需要一直盯着电视机屏幕?我是说,我们真的需要知道所有的事情么?什么时候太多的知识变得太多?一个人能不能拥有太多毫无意义的信息?我们有必要知道八胞胎母亲的新房子长什么样吗?有必要知道迈克尔·杰克逊的医生怎么了吗?

Can you remember when there were no computers? No cellphones or Ipods. A simpler time. When a friend called you and you were not home, if they really wanted to talk to you, if it was urgent they called back. No big deal. Or maybe you had an answering machine. The friend would leave a message. And when you had time you would call them back. Sounds simple right? Kind of nice.

Now, however there is no time to take. Because when you are on the phone talking or texting, bleep,bleep, call waiting comes on telling you there is someone waiting for you, so you put the person you are talking to on hold and talk to the person that was waiting. Now someone else is waiting. For you and your precious time. Probably you have a cellphone, and it's ringing too. If you don't answer these calls they go to voice mail and you will have a million messages to sift through. Messages that you listen to, or save, or delete. This takes up more of your valuable times Ask yourself this, do I need all this stuff? Do I need to be available twenty four hours a day? I am not the president. I can not think of one reason outside of a medical emergency why anyone would need to be available during day to day life. If it's not an emergency call me back. Now when people call a phone and get a busy signal they get mad. They get an attitude like its not fair or something.

你是否记得那没有电脑的时光?没有手机,没有Ipods (苹果播放器).一种更加简单的生活方式。一个朋友打电话给你,可是你不在家,如果他们真的想和你说话,或者事情紧急,他们会再打电话过来。没什么大不了的。也许你有个电话应答机。你的朋友可以留言。你会在空闲的时候给他们回电。听起来简单吧?很好的生活模式。


There are hundreds and hundreds of social networking sites on the Internet. Sites where people post all the details of their lives. So other people can do what exactly? I'm not sure, but we have this need to know. I believe I do not have to know everything about everybody. I would like to keep some things a mystery.

So we should just stop. Stop texting, typing, calling, tweeting, and emailing and spend some time with our families and friends. In person, face to face. Go for a walk. Get some kind of exercise. Kind of like the WII system, only with real people and fresh air. Maybe the less information we stuff into our brains, the more time we will have for our lives.


所以我们应该停下来。停止发短信,打字,打电话,电话录音和电邮。多花点时间和家人、朋友呆在一起。个人的,面对面的。去散散步。做一些运动。有点像WII 系统里 (电视游戏机Wii的操作系统),只有真人和新鲜的空气。也许我们少往脑子里塞点东西,我们的生活中就会有更多的时间。

