




I wish you happiness

网 络For Your Happiness;May you be happy;I wish you happiness;Wish you happiness



You silly side-walker. I just wanted to wish ya luck.


1. Please accept my best wishes for your happiness and success. 请接受我最良好的祝愿,祝 你 幸福 和成功.

2. May every happiness be yours on this Wedding Day. 值此婚礼佳期,祝 你 幸福 无量.

3. Christmas has arrived and in this connection , I wish you happiness. 圣诞节来临了,在此, 我祝 你 幸福 快乐.

4. Sincerely wish you happiness and our god - Almighty's bless. 真心的祝 你 幸福 ,全能的上帝保佑你 !

5. I wish you happiness and success in the future. 祝 你 幸福 !

6. Wishing you blessed St. Valentine's Day and joyful holidays! 祝 你 幸福 街情人节和欢乐的假期!

7. May each year brings you greater happiness and great success. 祝 你 幸福 与成功与日同增.

8. I wish you happiness. 祝 你 幸福 .

9. Congratulations. I wish you happiness. 恭喜你 , 祝 你 幸福 .

10. Ethel: Oh, bless you, darling. Congratulations. 埃塞尔: 啊, 祝 你 幸福 , 最亲爱的. 向你 祝贺.

11. Your father and I wish you well. 我和你 父亲祝 你 幸福 .

12. I drink all happiness and success to you. 我举杯祝 你 幸福 与成功.

13. Wish you happy and glad every day, too. 太匆匆谢谢你 哦我也祝 你 幸福 快乐!

14. Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity. 祝 你 幸福 快乐, 健康长寿,事业发达!

15. I sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success. 真诚地祝 你 幸福 、 快乐、成功!

16. To wish you joy at this holy season . Wishing every happiness always bewith you. 愿一切最美好的祝福都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地祝 你 幸福 、欢愉、成功!

17. Just be happy. Take my share and Naoko and combine them for yourself. 祝 你 幸福 地活下去, 把我这份和直子那份都补偿回来.

18. He kissed her on the cheek. "Best of luck!" 他吻了吻她的脸颊。“祝 你 好运!”

19. He was greeted with a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday. 迎接他的是大家齐唱《祝 你 生日快乐》,令他非常感动。

20. "Goodbye, then, and thanks. Good luck."— 'The same to you.' “那么,再见,谢谢。祝 你 好运。”——“也祝 你 好运。”

