



Success has three important elements: industry knowledge, innovation ability and work ethic. Anyone has the possibility to succeed, but the prerequisite of success is your own, both industry knowledge learning and the cultivation of innovation ability, requires great effort.

We know that success in the world number accounts for only three percent of all mankind, and the other people are ordinary people, so a desire for success is a common phenomenon. What are the factors that lead to the success of a person? Observed from different levels can find out the answer to a completely different. If we go to see, from the perspective of the most essential success factor is people, only a person willing to go to work, have the possibility to succeed. Corresponding to this one theory is that attitude is everything, the key to success lies in a person look at things and do things as held by the attitude, the core of the success is highly successful and persistence of enthusiasm. And if at a high level of success will be many factors, such as one theory is that interpersonal relationship is everything, good interpersonal relationship network is the determinant of success. Another common theory is capital determinism, it thinks is the core of the success you can call the amount of money. In addition, we also can see opportunities, said synthesis and so on.

That the most basic human factors aside, what factors determine a person's success in what? Bill Gates, in a speech to send a staple, the three core factors of success: deep industry knowledge, excellent ability to innovate and continuous work enthusiasm. Industry knowledge is the foundation of success, a platform for dike for success, there is no any castles in the air of success; Innovation ability is the key to success factors, we often heard that line line out of the top three hundred and sixty, suggesting that any industry has the potential of success, but only to choose industry innovation and innovation in the industry to succeed; Continuous work enthusiasm is representing you stick to it.




One, three elements of success

1, industry knowledge,

Industry provides a platform for success, no matter you are engaged in which industry you need deep industry knowledge is a must. Industry knowledge that has a very wide range of content, even in the simple handling work also need to know what kind of factory needs in handling what kind of goods, what time in the process of handling how best to save costs, etc. Access to industry knowledge is the best way to accept orthodox education, is rapidly changing society, past empirical knowledge of the impact of network and become almost worthless, only basic formal education make up the difference.

2, ability to innovate

Mention the innovation ability, generally associated with innovation, invention, creation and revolution of innovation ability is actually a very broad concept. Can be defined as any we found that the ability to breakthrough from the conventional pattern, with a more popular words, innovation ability is to know what to do, what to do to be more inclined to reach the goal successfully. Since all industries can be a successful platform, the main difference is that your choice of whether the industry such as matching with your character, choose industry is a high creativity task, careful evaluation must spend a lot of energy. Instead you get may be the result of the "male fear into the wrong line". After choosing the industry, we have to consider is how to from the existing common daily pattern innovation. In a highly competitive society, all of the regular pattern has been repeated practice, only seek breakthrough is walking in front of others.

Innovation ability is so important, but it is what we lack. In many cases, a lot of people don't know what to do, there is no future and a sense of direction. But unfortunately the innovation ability and other ability, must rely on our long time accumulation.

3, continuous enthusiasm

Ongoing work enthusiasm has provided the safeguard for success, it is representing "would you like to choose for myself a tireless efforts in the direction of the degree. We all have heard a lot of times as long as adhere to success; Thus sustained enthusiasm relative to the innovation ability is more important, the loser will cause for their chosen profession, there is no future for the industry, they think that they do and successful industry better, maybe this is a wrong idea.









Second, the interpersonal relationship is not entirely the deciding factor

In the process of successful interpersonal relationships will play an important role, but the relationship is not a necessary factor, has nothing to do that is to say people can succeed, and also the one who set up a network extending in all directions are not necessarily can be certain of success. In fact, we from the role of the network can see this. There are two: the purpose of networking primary purpose is to work through the network to find the direction of the simple said is found through a large number of communication way of making money; Its essence is to use the group innovation ability. The second purpose is the use of community resources in a relatively short period of time can reach the other shore of success. From both role relationship is not a necessary condition, but the effect obviously is enormous, in a sense completely relationship is everything, so to speak.

To illustrate this point, we compared jobs with MAO's success. Steve jobs is a typical with rich industry knowledge, strong innovation ability and high work enthusiasm. In accordance with the standards of tradition he is not a good man also does not have strong relationships and the abundant capital, but his success is amazing. Compared to MAO xinyu, have enough resources and plenty of relationships, but its success are not so good. The fundamental reason lies in the lack of innovation ability, cannot be selected in the right direction.




Third, the conclusion

Bill Gates tells us that everyone can succeed, but the key to the success of our own. What he said theory is very simple, but how to achieve and challenging, in the words of a simple is easy to do with hard. The best way to achieve the above three is to continue to adhere to and the practice. Can you still have other method?

1, believe your choice of industry is the most suitable for your industry, and continuously learn the knowledge of the industry forefront.

2, cultivate the habit of innovation, constantly breakthroughs the profession's routine, try to use new packaging existing knowledge service pattern.

3, insist on and continue investment enthusiasm.






