



He Gets Dressed, Sees His Friend

The boy puts on his socks. He puts on his shoes.

He ties his shoelaces. He walks to the front door. He turns the doorknob.

He pulls the door open. He steps outside.

He closes the door behind him. He walks to the corner.

He sees his friend. He waves to his friend.


They Play Catch

Bob picks up the ball. He throws the ball.

Bill catches the ball. Bill throws the ball back. Bob catches the ball.

Bob throws the ball to Bill. Bill drops the ball. Bill picks it up.

He throws it over Bob’s head. Bob runs back.

He jumps up. He catches the ball.


Monkeys at the Zoo

She goes to the zoo.

There are many animals at the zoo.

She likes the monkeys. They have funny faces.

They have long tails. They jump around a lot.

She goes to the monkey cage.

There are six monkeys in the cage.

She looks at them. She waves to them.

She says hello to them.


Kids and Their Teacher

He has a job. He is a teacher. He teaches kids.

He teaches them how to read. He teaches them how to spell.

The kids are fast learners. They learn how to read quickly.

They learn how to spell quickly. He likes his job.

He likes kids. He likes to teach kids new things.


He Is a Chocolate Lover

He loves chocolate. He loves milk chocolate.

He loves dark chocolate. He eats chocolate candy bars.

He eats chocolate fudge. He eats chocolate chip cookies.

He eats chocolate cake. He eats chocolate cupcakes. He eats chocolate ice cream.

He eats chocolate pudding. He drinks chocolate milk.

He eats chocolate every day. Chocolate is the best!

