




---Please turn off the TV. The baby _______.

---OK, I’ll go out for a walk.

A.sleeps B.Slept

C.is sleeping D.was sleeping

My friend doesn’t like film, so he _______ goes to the cinema.

A.always B.usually

C.often D.Never

Sally _______ her homework in the evening.

A.doesn’t B.doesn’t do

C.don’t do D.don’t

______ I go to school on foot.

A.Some times B.Some time

C.sometime D.Sometimes

---______ does Tony usually do on the Internet?

---Play games.

A.How B.Why C.What D.When

I have got ________.

A.10 pair of shoes B.10 pairs of shoe

C.10 pairs of shoes D.10 shoes

My sister often _______ music in her room.

A.listen B.Listens

C.listens at D.listens to

In America, people give flowers ______ birthday presents.

A.on B.for C.as D.To

---Would you like ______ shopping with me?

---I’d like to.

A.to go B.to going C.go D.go to

Thank you for ______ us to your birthday party.

A.to ask B.asks C.asking D.Ask

I often do my homework ____ the computer.

A.in B.to C.for D.on

There are ______ apples in the fridge. You can have one..

A.few B.little C.a few D.a little

---Are your parents at home, Jane?

---No. They ______ taking a walk in the park.

A.do B.are C.will D.have

Our teacher is ______ a white dress.

A.putting on B.Having

C.wearing D.getting

Look, Tony _______ on the grass!

A.lying B.is lying

C.is lieing D.lies



In China, there are a lot of traditional festivals like Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Day and Tomb-sweeping Day. Mid-autumn Day is very popular. __ that day, Chinese people usually get together and ___ moon cakes. The moon cakes are round __ usually have some meat or nuts in it. They also eat nice food and drink some juice. After that, they often ____ _ TV. Today is –Mid-autumn Day, in my family, my father is ___ _ his car, he will drive to work tomorrow. He loves his __ _ very much. My mother is looking at the moon, and ___ me a story of Chang’e. She likes the big moon. My sister Lingling is ___ __ her American friend Jenny. Jenny is 14 years old, too. She is now in New York in ___ _ with her parents. She is telling ____ _ what she is doing on Mid-autumn Day. We all love our Mid-autumn Day.


A.In B.At C.On D.For


A.drink B.has C.eat D.cut


A.but B.or C.so D.and


A.see B.watch C.look D.talk


A.opening B.driving C.washing D.sweeping


A.cat B.son C.moon cakes D.car


A.saying B.speaking C.talking D.telling


A.calling B.using C.connecting D.sending


A.China B.America C.England D.Canada


A.him B.her C.their D.our


Today is July 21. Most people are enjoying their weekend now. John is watching a magic show at the Capital Stadium with his parents and a friend from Australia.

The girl is Megan, she is staying at John’s for her holiday now. Her parents and brother Andy are now visiting the zoo. Their father is taking photos of many animals, like elephants, pandas, zebras and tigers. But Andy likes monkeys most and he is now watching them jumping and playing.

Andy’s cousin Julia is at her friend’s birthday party. There she meets Lily, Daming, Joy and Lingling. They are having a happy talk and drinking some juice. Julia’s grandparents are having a Taijiquan class, while her mother is shopping for presents. Julia’s family is going back home to the Unite States next Thursday, so her father is booking plane ticket on the Internet.

【小题1】 John’s mother is ________.

A.watching a magic show B.visiting the zoo

C.taking photos D.at a birthday party

【小题2】 Megan’s brother is _________.

A.Joy B.John C.Andy D.Julia

【小题3】---Where’s Megan’s father? ---He is ________.

A.at John’s with Lily

B.at a party

C.at the Capital Stadium with his daughter

D.in the zoo

【小题4】Which of the following sentences is not right?

A.Julia’s mother is buying presents.

B.Julia is from Australia.

C.Andy likes monkeys best.

D.Julia’s family is going home by plane.

【小题5】What is the best title of the passage?

A.A Happy Weekend. B.A Magic Show

C.In a Zoo. D.At a Party.

Bill has a sister, Amy. Next Friday is Amy’s birthday. Bill wants to buy a present for her. However, he doesn’t have much money. Now he is in shopping mall.

He spends a lot of time choosing a good and cheap present in a toy shop, but he can’t find anything. He goes to the next shop. There are some beautiful hair clips in it. Bill likes them very much. He knows Amy wants to have one all the time. He chooses a blue one. It’s not expensive. It costs 7 yuan. He goes back home happily.

【小题1】When is Amy’s birthday?

A.This Friday, October B.This Sunday

C.Next Monday D.Next Friday, October

【小题2】Bill goes to a ______ shop first.

A.clothes B.flower

C.toy D.fruit

【小题3】 How does Bill feel when he sees the hair clips?

A.Happy. B.Bad.

C.Hungry D.Tired

【小题4】Bill buys a ______ hair clip for his sister.

A.white B.blue

C.yellow D.red

【小题5】How much does Bill pay for the hair clip?

A.1 yuan B.7 yuan

C.9 yuan D.11 yuan

Mary Walker works at a bank. She begins working at eight in the morning. She has a break at noon for one hour. She stops working at five in the afternoon. At five the bank closes. Everybody goes home. Some people drive home. Some ride bikes. Some take the bus or the train. But Mary walks home. She likes to walk. She walks, and walks, and walks and walks. Mary lives eight miles(英里) from the bank. She walks for three hours. At eight in the evening, Mary is at home. She eats dinner. At ten she goes to bed. Mary is tired(疲劳的). She is 82 years old.

【小题1】What does Mary do?

A.She is a nurse

B.She is a factory worker.

C.She is a worker at a bank.

D.She is a doctor.

【小题2】 How many hours does Mary work in one day?

A.About 9 hours. B.About 8 hours

C.About 10 hours. D.About 7 hours

【小题3】Which sentence is right?

A.Mary rides home. B.Mary takes a bus home.

C.Mary walks home. D.Mary drives home.

【小题4】 How far is it from Mary’s house to the bank?

A.Five miles. B.Six miles.

C.Seven miles. D.Eight miles.

【小题5】Where does Mary eat dinner?

A.At home. B.At the bank.

C.In a shop. D.In a restaurant.

A young man is sitting by the road. He is eating something. A policeman is coming over. At once the man gets up quickly and runs down the road.

The policeman runs after him. Te man runs very fast, but the policeman runs faster.

After a few minutes, the policeman catches him. “Where are you going?” says the policeman. “You must be a criminal(罪犯)if you run like that when you see a policeman.”

“No, no,” says the man. “I’m not a criminal. I’m just too fat, you see, and the doctor tells me I must always run fast after eating.”

“I see,” says the policeman. “You’re running to help to lose weight.”

【小题1】A young man is sitting by the road and ______ something.

A.looking B.seeing

C.eating D.drinking

【小题2】 A ______ is coming.

A.bus B.man

C.friend D.policeman

【小题3】 What does the young man do when he sees the policeman?

A.He says “hello” to him.

B.He gets up and runs.

C.He is waiting for him.

D.He doesn’t go away.

【小题4】The policeman runs after the young man because _______.

A.he is catching a bus

B.he knows him

C.he thinks he is a bad man

D.the young man is a criminal

【小题5】---Why does the young man run?

---Because _______.

A.he wants to catch a bus

B.he is a criminal

C.he remembers something

D.the doctor tells him to run after eating



通过这个学期的学习,你的英语一定取得了很大的进步吧!下面请你写一篇英语小短文,来做个自我介绍。假设你的名字叫Lucy .你可从以下几个方面描写:你的年龄、生日、喜欢的学科、才艺、业余活动及日常作息时间等。一定要展示出你的最好水平哦!

要求: 1词数50-60 。

2 文中不准出现本人的真实姓名、学校名称等信息。









【小题1】My sister is watching TV. (改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ sister ________ TV?

【小题2】They are enjoying the sun on the beach. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ they _______ the sun?

【小题3】We are always busy on Saturdays and Sundays.(同义句转换)

We are always busy ______ ______.

【小题4】I often do my homework on the computer.(改为否定句)

I _______ _______ _______ my homework on the computer.

【小题5】She often helps her mother with housework.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ she often ________?



【小题1】['festəvəl] ____________

【小题2】[trə'diʃənəl] _____________

【小题3】happy __________

【小题4】search _________

【小题5】plant _________


From Monday to Friday, the 【小题1】_________ (one) class always 【小题2】________ (begin) at 8:00 o’clock, but Millie always 【小题3】_________ (get) up at 7:30. At school, they 【小题4】__________ (have) Chinese, English and maths every day. Sometimes, they have sports.

At the weekend, Millie 【小题5】_____________ (not have) any classes, so she often 【小题6】___________ (get) up late. In the morning, she 【小题7】__________ (play) with her dog Eddie. She 【小题8】__________ (like) Eddie very much. In the afternoon, she 【小题9】__________ (go) to the school Reading Club and reads books. Sometimes she 【小题10】______ (go) to see her cousin Andy.




There _________ many _________ of _________on the Internet.


_________ ________ ________, in different places of the world, people are doing _________ ________.


A _________ _________ is _________ in the morning.


_________ _________ go and see them?


It’s _________ _________ _________ _________ to school

