


1. Choice of Synonyms同义词的选择


1) Considering the Connotation根据单词的内进行选择


例如,合同中经常出现的to perform a contract, to fulfill a contract, to execute a contract, to implement a contract,这些短语都可以表示“履行合同”,从字面上看都对。然而在具体的合同条款中,表示履行不同的合同义务时,其用法是有区别的。


关于79HP一106号合同项下尚未执行的180公吨NY2一11低密度聚乙烯,我们仍然认为贵方应尽快开证以保证履行合同。我们提请贵方注意,the Adviser Inc.和贵方同时向我方购买NY2—11低密度聚乙烯,他们已经在我方主动调价后不久履行了原合同,而且又和我们签订了较大数量的新合同。

With respect to the outstanding 180 M/r of low-density polyethylene NY2—11 under Contract No.79HP一106,we insist that you must open the covering letter of credit the soonest possible to secure the performance of the contract. We hereby would like to call your attention to the fact that the Adviser Inc. , Who purchased LDPE NY2—11 from us at the same time as you did have fulfilled their commitment under the previous Contract not long after we offered our regulated price and signed a new contract covering substantial quantity.

该句子出现的“履行”分别使用了perform和fulfill.我们首先研究一下这对同义词的内涵:perform的法律含义是:to do what one party is obliged to do by a contract; fulfill的法律含义是:t0 do everything which is promised in a contract.其次,再研究一下合同各方应履行的合同义务:涉外合同一经生效,双方当事人必须全面地、适当地履行合同中的义务,但是具体对某一方合同当事人来讲,就是履行合同中最属于他应该履行的那部分责任和义务。比如,在国际货物销售合同中,对买方来说,“履行合同”的概念就是payment,当然与payment有关的义务还有采用何种方式和支付工具付款等。如果该合同的价格条件是FOB的话,买方还要负责租船订舱,支付运费,并将船期、船号及时通知卖方等。因此,如果强调合同的一方履行合同与所规定的该方的那部分具体义务相同,应该是fulfill a contract.如果是泛指双方在合同中的各项责任和义务都应得到履行,则选用perform a contract较合适。又如:The Contractor shall fulfill all of its duties and obligations in carrying out its work and services hereunder(承租人必须忠实信守和履行下列各项规则)。


Within the validity term of the Contract, both parties shall supply each other with the improvement and development of the technology related to the Contract Products free of charge.

该句的谓语动词“提供”一词用了supply,就不如provide确切。尽管这两个词都表示“供给”,但在牵涉到金钱时,provide则表示to give sb sth free of charge, supply则不太明确,一般来说需要给钱。因此,该条款虽然明确了free of charge,但用provide更恰当。


这一条的重点主要规定改进后的技术专有权归属问题,所以该句中正确地选择“属于”一词是很关键的。有人选择belong to,也有人选择possess,还有人用own,这三个词均可以表示“属于”。我们分析一下这三个词的内涵,belong t0的含义是指“属于……财产”;possess和own虽然都着重于“所属关系”,但possess只指目前属于某人,并没有讲是如何得到的;而own含有“对……合法占有”,与原文意思一致,故把这一条款译成:

The improved and developed technology shall be owned by the party who has improved and developed the technology.

如果将“属于”改用belong to,其主语就应该是ownership,表示“所有权属于……”,因为the improved and developed technology属于“知识产权”,而这种权利与物质财产有直接联系。这样,该句还可以调整如下:

The ownership of any improved and developed technology shall belong to the party who has improved and developed the technology.


句中的“属于”是指power 0r right will be present or vested in sb or a body,故应选用reside in.全句译成:

The right of interpreting the detailed Rules and Regulations resides in the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China.

2) Considering the Grammar根据句法要进行选择



这一条款中“遵守”一词,英语中有observe, obey, abide by, comply with等,在选择表示“遵守”的词汇时,应根据句子搭配关系进行选择。本句子中的主语是activity,汉语翻译时应选择comply with,表示to act in accordance with a provision, rule, demand,故全句译成:

All the activities of a joint venture shall comply with the provision of laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People's Republic of China.

在使用observe和abide by时,其主语应该是合同的当事人,例如:The Contractor shall observe and abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations in connection with the Work(承包方必须遵守和服从与该项工程有关的一切适用的法律、规章和条例)。

2. Words with Multi-interpretation一词多义的处理


(1)Thank you for you r letter reference DT/Zi No.102.of 29th,March.


reference在此例中指“编号” (number which makes it possible to find a document which has been filed)。

(2)We have had only one order from ABC Co. , Ltd. , so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience.


reference在此例中指“资信情况” (statement about a company's abilities)。

(3)Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No.1529.


reference在此例中指“谈到” (mentioning or dealing with)。

(4)The Buyers ask for credit and have given the Bank of China ,Beijing as a reference.


3. Easily-confused Words易混淆的词


1) Attention to Meaning注意书写基本近似,但意义不同的词


2) Attention to the Relation



