



The thirsty crow

There once lived a young crow in the countryside. One summer, there was no rain and it was very hot. The crow was very thirsty, but he couldn't find any water.

"How can I survive?" he thought. "I must have water or I'll die!"

Just then he saw a farmhouse. Outside the house, there was a vase with some water at the bottom. He tried to drink, but he couldn't reach the water inside.

The young crow didn't know what to do. He leaned against the vase and cried.

"Will somebody please help me?" sobbed the crow. He cried and cried, but nobody heard him. Finally, he dried his eyes and stood up.

He tried knocking over the vase, but it was too heavy. Then he tried breaking it, but he wasn't strong enough. Finally, he had a good idea. He began dropping stones into the vase. The water slowly rose to the top. At last, the crow could drink.

"What wonderful water!" said the crow. "I'm glad that I didn't waste all my time by crying. Thinking is much better than crying!


Red Ball on the Floor

One day, the wind and the sun were arguing about who was the strongest.

"It is clear that I am the strongest," said the wind.

"When I blow, branches break off the trees, and the waves beat on the shore."

The ball is on the floor. It is a red ball.

It is a rubber ball. The baby looks at the ball.

The cat looks at the ball. The cat is black.

The cat walks over to the ball.

The cat hits the ball with its paw.

The ball rolls on the floor.

The baby smiles.


Warm Air and a Sandwich

The window is open.

Air comes through the window.

It is warm air. It is a warm day.

The air smells like bread. It smells like fresh bread.

It smells good. It makes the boy hungry.

The boy goes to the kitchen. He makes a sandwich.

He sits down. He eats the sandwich.


A Penny Collector

She collects pennies. She likes pennies. She likes their color.

They are brown. They are shiny brown. They are dull brown.

Pennies are everywhere. She finds them on the sidewalk. She picks them up.

She takes them home. She puts them in a jar.

She has a big jar. It is full of pennies.


Kids and Their Teacher

He has a job. He is a teacher. He teaches kids.

He teaches them how to read. He teaches them how to spell.

The kids are fast learners. They learn how to read quickly.

They learn how to spell quickly. He likes his job.

He likes kids. He likes to teach kids new things.

