以下是小编整理的英语文章:英国小伙和地铁赛跑获胜, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。
Anyone who’s ever been stuck on a train must have thought this at least once: maybe it would be quicker on foot.

James Heptonstall did more than just wonder – he got up and ran like the clappers.
In a daredevil challenge of man versus machine, the 30-year-old England touch-rugby player burst out through the train’s open doors, sprinted fearlessly up flights of steps and belted through city streets in an attempt to beat it to the next stop.
Somewhere beneath him, the London Underground train he had just abandoned at Mansion House had already begun to clatter and trundle its way eastwards on the Circle Line, unhindered, and running perfectly on schedule.
Had this been a Superman movie, our hero would have been billed as ‘Faster than a speeding train…’
He swipes his Oyster Card to get through. He leaps down the steps so fast he almost tumbles into the wall. In the carriage he vacated one stop earlier, all eyes are now on the platform entrance as the train doors are about to close.
And then he appears! With a dramatic, triumphant lunge, he hurls himself back into the carriage – cheered and applauded by the same passengers who had watched him depart. Mission accomplished… with less than two seconds to spare.
Now his Race The Tube video, filmed on a miniature camera strapped to his head, is becoming a favourite on YouTube and a talking point among weary Underground travellers across the network.
Mr Heptonstall completed the 415-yard, platform to platform sprint in 1min 18secs.
He clocked up an average speed approaching 11mph, on a route that included having to negotiate two ticket barriers and scale or descend 75 steps. The train took 1min 20secs to travel along 339 yards of track, timed from the moment its doors closed at Mansion House and opened at Cannon Street.
Footage inside the carriage was taken on a second camera operated by his friend Noel Carroll.
‘At first the other people on the train didn’t really know what was going on,’ he said.
‘I did get a few suspicious looks, although to be fair, I was wearing sportswear with a camera strapped to my head. I belted out as soon as the doors opened and Noel explained to the carriage what we were trying to achieve. After that, they were all waiting on tenterhooks.’
His spectacular re-entry to the carriage provoked delight and admiration – and secured a dozen or so impartial witnesses to verify his feat, should he ever need them.
Mr Heptonstall was inspired to tackle the ultimately pointless challenge by others who had completed similar quests on European transport networks.
He often uses the Tube to get to work but confesses he is not a huge fan. ‘Sometimes I just run,’ he said.