



想像的力量The Power of Imagination

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that has not been perceived through the senses.


It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist at present or have never existed in the past. Memory is actually a sign of imagination. Everyone has some imaginative ability. In some it may be highly developed and in others it may appear quite weak. It appears in various degrees in various people.


Imagination gives us the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and enables one to mentally explore the past and the future. duanwenw.com A developed and strong imagination does not make you an impractical daydreamer. On the contrary, it strengthens your creative abilities and is a great tool for recreating your world and life.


Imagination is a creative power that is necessary for inventing a new machine, designing a dress or a building, painting a picture or writing a book. The creative power of imagination plays an important role in the achievement of success in any field. It is the power beyond creative images, positive thinking and judgment.


Understanding how to use your imagination correctly and putting your knowledge into practice, for your own and others’ benefit, will put you on the golden path to success, satisfaction and happiness.



青春有感Feeling of Youth

No young man believes he shall ever die.


There is a feeling of eternity in youth, which makes us feel as though we can achieve everything. To be young is to be as one of the immortal Gods.


A vast and endless scene lies before us. We can see no end to the landscape. Some new objects present themselves as we advance. So, at the beginning of life, we set no bounds to our interests or to the chances of satisfying them. We go on in this way forever. We look round in the new world, which is full of life, motion and progress; and feel in ourselves all the strength and spirit to keep pace with it.


It is the simplicity that identifies us with nature, and makes us mistake ourselves for being immortal like the nature. duanwenw.com During our lifetime we seem to spend a honeymoon in which there is no coldness, quarrel or separation. As babies smile in their sleep, we are rocked in the cradle of our way-ward fancies, and helped to sleep by the roar of the universe around us. We drink up the cup of life eagerly without spilling it. And our minds are filled with so strong desires that we have no room for the thoughts of death.



我所追求的生活The Life I Desire

The Life I Desire,That must be the story of many couples, and the pattern of life it offers has a homely grace1.


It reminds you of a calm stream with little fish swimming freely up and down in it and birds flying in the sky. It winds smoothly through green farms and is shaded by pleasant trees till at last it pours into the vast sea. However, the sea is so calm, so silent and so indifferent that you are troubled suddenly by an unclear uneasiness3. Perhaps it is only a bend in my nature, but it was strong in me even in those days.


I felt that there was something wrong in such a way of life, while the way of life was shared by most of people. I recognized4 the social value of this way of life. I saw its ordered happiness and I saw its nature of peace, calm and shyness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course. There seemed to be something alarming in such easy delights. In my heart, my desire was to live more dangerously. I would go on expeditions through jungles which were filled with difficulties and danger. duanwenw.com I would fly on horseback through grasslands as fast as the horse could run. I would try to jump into the high sky and raft in the white water. I was always ready to climb rough rocks and steep cliffs.


