




Ask the world what love is, straight people.

The preface

When is the evening 21:35, when they met, blackout activities. Doing nothing, light a candle and looked at the flame of a candle shake drag drag, can not help but think of the "dead silkworm silk, wax torch ashes tears" eternal sentences, a time feel a myriad of thoughts - - - - - - - I do not know how, think of the love thing.

Love, for me, is a familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary. Say that it is familiar, because in the 23 years of life, to see and hear many kinds of love, said it is strange, because they have never really experienced love. When it comes to here, even I also feel strange: a didn't really experienced love to write love, whether a little presumptuous? Oh, anyway, some of the views of writing, it is good.

See the world meet, such as water, flowers bloom, all because of the fruit. One of things, on ancient and modern, many folk stories, to compose a love story: Zhaosi Miss met Zhang Shaoshuai, Liang Shanbo met ZhuYingTai - - - - - - to have to meet, to twilight pleasing, which stimulated by honesty, to compose of touching stories of this Sylvia.

"Pining away, my end is no regrets". Is the only way to do it? But in the world of love, how many even pining away too difficult to repair.

There is love in the world: maybe it's missing a car, maybe it's a second before the beauty. Have to admit, this is the fate of fate. Maybe we are just passing through, perhaps after parting never meet, but to know you, but I am delighted.

There is a kind of love: you always know the right thing, and son Xiangyue, hold your hand, and grow old with you.

Love is a kind of fate, is a kind of tacit understanding. A person's product, is bitter; the two character, is sweet; three personal product, is poison. Only true love, true understanding of the people, the taste is sweet and charming.

Love is "waiting for a person to need a lifetime, to forget a person also need a lifetime, so I choose to wait for" the helpless and sincere.

Love is tenderness whirlpool, hearty voice, intoxicating language. The male mixed liquid, cheesy afferent waves in the memory, in the memory of crazy breathing. Filled with feelings, the temptation of emotion, love so deep into the whirlpool of tender feelings.

True love without words, stay in the heart.



时也晚间21:35分,正该华灯初上时,却遇见了停电的勾当。无所事事,点上一根蜡烛,看着那烛焰 摇摇曳曳,不禁想起了“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”的千古佳句,一时间不觉思绪万千·······不知怎么,就想到了爱情的事。

爱情,对我来说,是一个即熟悉而又陌生的词汇。说它熟悉,是因为在23年的生涯当中,看到和听到过许许多多各式各样的爱情;说它陌生,是因为自己从来没有真正的体会过爱情。 说到这儿,连我自己也感到奇怪:一个没真正体会过爱情的人去写爱情,是否有些自不量力了?呵呵 ,不管怎样,写写自己的一些看法,也是好的。




世上还有一种爱:死生契阔,与子相悦 ,执子之手,与子偕老。

爱是一种缘分,是一种默契。一个人品,是苦涩;两个人品,是甜蜜;三个人品,是毒药。唯有真正相爱、真正默契的人共品, 其滋味才芳香迷人。


爱是 柔情的漩涡,酣畅的强音,醉人的语言。雄混的流音,潇洒的传入,在回忆中荡漾,在记忆里疯狂喘息。缭绕着情怀,诱惑了情感,爱让人深深的陷入了柔情的漩涡里。




That day a phone call. Is actually hesitated long. To the end or the number of your phone. Before the heart has been complaining, why, why not make a phone call, why suddenly disappeared without a trace. Know you're coming. But I still don't have your message.

Telephone connection,

Sister, how,

Oh, nothing, just ask you what time to come over?

The day after tomorrow!

When the end of the summer, the mood is disturbed, expect.

Over the second days, the new registration, the day before you say you will have the students to help you send the baggage, I said that it would be better.

The next morning, there has been no his phone, I quietly in the laboratory sat a morning, noon at half past eleven, I finally can't restrain, called in the past. Ask him how to do it.

He said, hesitant, I say, I am a man, just toss to the bus, far away.

I wanted to cry. Why, why, it is hard for you to think of me. You, absolutely not. You, so stubborn. Why why?

I said that you pay attention to safety. To call me.

I wandered at the school gate, looking at the new, parents, luggage, tents, very messy, very noisy. Finally to a point, a strange phone call came, he said, and a classmate together. In the dining room, whether or not to eat in the past. Hesitated for a moment, and went to the cafeteria. To the first floor, looking around, did not see him. Continue on the two floor, or did not see his face. Dial the number in the past, strange voice, ask where they are, he said in a casserole shop. Did not hear, I hung up the phone. I, think of myself not to eat, just walk on the third floor, a circle, did not find a special want to eat the food, just stood up, in a window of a bowl of water slurry, sitting on a chair, waiting for dinner. Phone come over, a strange number, it is his voice, say how come over?

I'm fine. I've got a meal. Sounds almost choked. I will not come. In fact, I don't want to walk again. Sometimes, running more, really tired. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Did he say that?

Yes No, you eat!

That's okay!

Off the phone, someone shouted water slurry.

Quiet meal, found not so good. So sour, only sour. Get the noodles, get up and leave!

My backpack, wandering in the campus avenue. To find a quiet corner, sit down, and put some music. Today, I really feel a little tired. So I took off my shoes and I had a good seat at noon. Around three cats snored on the lawn, one is yellow, and two black, a big and a small.






















When you say you are lonely, love watching the moon quietly, because she is lonely, like you, so cold. I said she is not alone, ah, is not a full of stars in the sky? Your eyes don't leave from the moon, like the automatic speaking light Nan: a lonely heart, is really alone. I smiled and laughed, and no more words, then, I do not understand your heart. Just want to, I do not do you all over the sky of the stars, I do give her warm sun.

Later, you went into the song and dance troupe of the city, I opened a taxi in the city center, every night, I will park your car at the gate of the song and dance troupe, looking at you and your sister say smile from school, and I the happiest of is far from looking at you.

Years in the moon quietly away, until one day, you crawl into a BMW and fish the same after next to me, your body is leaning on a man's shoulder, the happy expression with car wander and littered the ground.

Finally one day, I stopped you, hold your hand, Juan, said: you can't go with him! I am your sun! You handle a swing: what is the sun moon ah? Let go The man got out of the car and asked, "what's the matter?" It's all right!

I'm crazy, you go. Night, I to the moon, found alone, is the moon as I. Obviously brother, why the moon has been going ah? When I turned around, I found a little girl on her head, looking at a boy. I said: little sister, because the clouds are going away. No, she's looking for her friend. She's got a friend. She's gone. I touched the boy's head and smiled.

She is looking for a friend, she cannot do it alone, Juan, the original, I was your stars, I can not understand you, also give you shining in the night sky.

Since then, the heart is no longer bright moon, perhaps, it is a change of heart. Is it? I asked the moon, the moon is not language.








