



1.惊讶地 in surprise

2.危险地 in danger

3.害怕 in fear

4.陷入困境 in trouble

5.及时 in time

6.失望 in despair

7.一般说来 in general

8.井然有序 in order

9.为了 in order to do = in order that…

10.亲自 in person

11.共同,共有 in common

12.尽管 in spite of

13.匆忙 in a hurry

14.立刻 in no time= in a moment

15.回报 in return

16.详细地 in detail

17.总共 in all

18.简言之 in brief

19.总之 in a word

20.事实上 in fact

21.除……之外 in addition to

22.主管,照料 in charge of

23.在世界上 in the world

24.在将来 in the future

25.最后 in the end

26.在……前面 in front of (不包括)

27.在……前面 in the front of (包括)

28.公共场合 in public

29.在……二十多岁 in one's twenties

30.在远方 in the distance

31.换言之 in other words

32.代替,取代 in place of

33.简而言之 in short

34.就......而论,在......方面 in terms of

35.假使,免得 in case 36.决不 in no case

37.决不,一点儿也不 in no way

38.在本质上 in nature

39.就其本身而言 in itself

40.无论如何 in any case

41.如果发生 in case of

42.代替 instead of

43.为了纪念 in honour of

44.邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth.

45.由于…结果 in consequence of

46.在……...期间 in the course of

47.首先,第一 in the first place

48.在过去 in the past

49.在阳光下 in the sun

50.妨碍 in the way

51.依次,轮流 in turn

52.鉴于,根据 in the light of


in a hurry 匆忙地

in a minute 不一会儿,立刻

in a short while 不久

in a word 总之,简言之

in all 总计,全部

in common 共同

in danger 处于危险状态

in English 用英语

in fact 实际上

in favour of 支持,赞同

in fear of 在„恐惧中

in front of „ 在„的前面

in fun 开玩笑似的

in future 今后

in good health 身体健康

in half 一半

in need of 需要

in order 按顺序,井然有序

in order that/to 为了

in other words 换句话说,也就是说

in place of 代替

in poor health 身体不好

in public 当众,公开地

in rags 穿着破衣服

in search of 寻找,追求

in sight 在视野内,看得见

in someone’s/something’s favour 对„有利

in space 在空间

in surprise 惊奇地

in the day 在白天

in the daytime 在白天

in the distance 在远处

in the distant future 在久远的将来

in the end 最后;终于

in the face of 面对„而不顾

in the front of „ 在„的前部

in the future 在将来

in the hope of sth 希望„

in the near future 在不久的将来

in those days 在过去,在那些日子里

in time 及时,最终,迟早

instead of 代替;而不是

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