




t takes a lot of work to capture a good photo. Last month, Michael Yamashita was sitting in aHong Kong bookstore, clicking through slides of pictures from his new book, Shangri-La: Alongthe Tea Road to Lhasa, a five-year project that documents the incomparable beauty andchanging face of Tibet.

捕捉一张好照片需要大量的工作。上个月,Michael Yamashita坐在香港的书店里,点击着他的新书《寻访香格里拉:探索失落的茶马古道》里的幻灯照,一个的五年的课题,记录了西藏无与伦比的美丽和不断改变的面貌。

He arrived at a photo of several young men dressed in leather aprons and heavy mittens, withplastic covers on their shoes, making their way down an empty road high on the Tibetanplateau. One of them was lying prostrate on the ground, another rising to his feet, otherswalking forward. They were pilgrims making an arduous month-long journey to Lhasa.


"To get this frame that's perfect, with one guy on the ground, another rising, other standing, Imust have had to walk half a mile backwards," said Yamashita. "And it was raining."


Later, I asked him how far he has gone to get a single shot. "I wouldn't risk my life, but it's allabout getting the picture," he said. "You'll do what you have to do."


Shangri-La is one of those projects. Yamashita has been travelling to Tibet for 15 years and thephotos in the book were taken over a period of five years.


Like all of his projects, this one began with research. "I've read just about every book that wasever published on Tibet," says Yamashita. "We don't have time to mess around. There'snothing left to chance – we go at the right time to get the right people in the right pictures."

像所有的课题一样,这个也从研究开始。“我只是已经读过出版过的每一本关于西藏的书” Yamashita说。“我们没有时间浪费。天上不会掉馅饼——我们走在恰当的时间把恰好的人记录在正好的照片里。”

More than landscapes, though, it's the human geography that fascinates Yamashita. InJiuzhaigou, for example, tea is grown, harvested, dried and hand-processed into bricks. "This iswhy I'm drawn back to China again and again – the fashion may have changed – the citiescertainly have – but certain practices are exactly the same as they've been for centuries."



走进西藏 冬虫夏草

Yartsa gunbu has been used as a traditional remedy for thousands of years, though only bythe very wealthy.


It's been bartered for tea and silk, and is worth more than four times its weight in silver.


So lucrative is this trade, that sites and information are jealously guarded.


At the nearby market, yartsa gunbu are cleaned, and their true nature becomes clear. Theyartsa gunbu translates as "summer grass, winter worm".


The winter worm is a caterpillar. It eats roots of grasses in preparation for itstransformation into a moth.


But some winter worms never make it as moths. Instead, a strange growth erupts from theirbody, appearing above ground in summer. This is the "summer grass",a fungus calledCordyceps, whose spores have infected the caterpillar, using its body as their host.


Modern scientific tests have shown that substances contained in Cordyceps lower bloodpressure and make it easier to breathe.


So in recent years, harvesting this natural treasure has grown into a huge and profitablebusiness.




Seeing Yang Leiguang, you might never imagine that the skinny boy traveled independently toTibet for one month. More surprisingly, the 21-year-old from Henan University of Science andTechnology brought only 500 yuan with him and earned other funds for travel on the way. Hethinks that, with this trip, he accomplished his dream because he experienced some of themost memorable moments of his life.


Most desirable destination


Yang acquired his love for Tibet after watching a documentary about the holy place. “Iremembered watching people kowtow in front of the Potala Palace. Their devoted faces andsincere emotions just touched me so much that I wanted to go there myself,” he says. So hestarted to prepare for his long-awaited trip after he entered university and had more free time.


