

摘要:布拉特此前曾宣布要调查卡塔尔世界杯贿选丑闻,并且威胁称要剥夺卡塔尔2022年世界杯的举办权。但在通过这一系列手段成功除掉自己连任的唯一对手哈曼,并且在听证会上逃脱哈曼对他的反诉调查后,老布的态度立即来了个180度大转弯。 你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

A bribery scandal led to two senior FIFA executives being suspended - Bin Hammam and Vice-president Jack Warner.

President Blatter denied FIFA was in crisis and rejected suggestions that the vote for the 2022 World Cup - controversially awarded to the oil-rich Gulf state of Qatar - should be held again amid mounting allegations of bribery involving the bid.


【讲解】文中的bribery scandal即指贿选丑闻,bribery意思是贿赂,贿选也可以说成vote-buying或者bribery involving the bid。Scandal 这个词指的是a situation or event that is thought to be shocking and immoral and that everyone knows about(违反道德、让人震惊的事情),与scandal相关的短语有public scandal(众所周知的丑事),sex scandal(桃色新闻,性丑闻),watergate scandal (水门事件)。

