



A Hi, Lucy, It's been a long time I haven't see you. How is everything going? 好久不见,最近怎么样? B Not so good. 不太好

C What happened? You looks a little upset怎么啦?你看起来有点心烦。

B You know the final exam is coming and I’m a little worried about my results. 期末考试快到啦,我有点担心我的成绩

A Cheer up. I believe you can make it. 振作起来,我相信你能办到的

B Thank you. 谢谢

By the way, do you have any plan about your coming holiday? Where do you plan to go? 顺便问下,马上放假了,你们有什么计划吗?想去哪儿?

C I hope I can go to Yunnan during the spring festival. It is very beautiful and I am interested in the local culture there. The old building, the special custom, and beautiful scenery, everything is amazing! 我希望今年春节能去云南。云南很漂亮,而且我对它当地的文化十分感兴趣。古老的建筑,独特的习俗,还有美丽的风景,一切都是那么迷人。

A And the Yulong mountain is very wonderful. If you have a chance go to Yunnan, you’d better have a look at it. 玉龙雪山也很棒。如果你真有机会去,你最好去看下

C of course. I will try to persuade my parents to go with me. 当然。我会说服我父母带我去云南。

B What about you? bin, Any good idea?你们呢?有什么想法?

A I’d like to go to Hangzhou to spend a week at my uncle’s. 我会花一周的时间去我在杭州的叔叔家

C How are you going there? 你怎么去?

A By train perhaps. My uncle will bring me to West Lake and Lingyin temple. 乘火车吧。我叔叔会带我去西湖和灵隐寺

B It must be an interesting trip. I want to go to Beijing. My parents promise that they will take me to Beijing if I get good results in the final exam. 那肯定很有意思。我想去北京。我爸妈答应我,只要我在这次考试中取得好成绩就会带我去

A How wonderful! I am always dreaming about paying a visit to Beijing. You are so lucky! 太棒啦。我一直梦想着去北京玩。你太幸运了

B Yes. There are so many great places of interest in Beijing. 是啊。北京有好多的名胜古迹

C You’d better make a list of the sites you want to see in advance. And don’t

forget to taste the Beijing duck.你最好在去之前把你想看的景点列张单子,还有别忘了去尝尝北京烤鸭

B Thanks for your advice. Look, it’s lunch time. Let’s go and have diner together. 谢谢你们的建议。午饭时间到啦,我们一起吃饭去~

AC Let’s go!


A: How are you

B : I'm fine

C: I am also

B:A,how about you and your boyfriend

A: just so so

C: B, What is an ideal girlfriend or boy friend for you?

B: My boyfriend must be sincere for me , and be seriously

C: and you ? A

A: My boyfriend must be tall and handsome , and Love me very much B: I think more important is the quality of the boyfriend

C: I agree with you, My boyfriend is frank and don’t lie

A: That’s great , an honest man is very attractive

C: More importantly, how to get along between the boyfriend and girlfriend B: Yeah , What kind of relationship do you expect between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend?

A: I consider tolerance and understanding is the most important

C: I think so. boyfriend or girlfriend are often quarreled,so the tolerance and understanding is the most important

B: That is right . My idea is that boyfriend will tease the girl happy A: oh. My view is that girl have to pay more attention to her boyfriend C: Today's chat is very happy

B: yeah. wish you and your boyfriend

A: Same blessings to you

B: Thank you

A: You are welcome

C: Goodbye

A: see you

B: Bye


Jack: Good morning .sir .what can I do for you? 琳达:早上好。先生。我能为你做什么呢?

Robbie: Good morning .My name is Robbie Stewart. And this is Alex Pappas.

罗比:早上好。我的名字是罗比·斯图尔特。这是亚历克斯·帕帕斯。 Alex: Hi .Good morning. Yesterday we found dog named


亚历克斯:你好。早上好。昨天我们发现这只名叫Gemma的狗。 Robbie: We have thought many ways to find it is host, but we don't succeed ultimately.


Jack: Oh, wait a while. You know I must make

a record in terms of rule.


Robbie: No problem.


Jack: OK .Your name will do Mr. Stewart. Then, please tell me your address? 琳达:好的。你的名字将会做什么,Stewart先生。那么,请告诉我你的地址吗? Robbie: 46 Linden Street, Riverdale.


Jack: Where did you find the dog? 琳达:你在什么地方找到这条狗的?

Alex: Speak exactly , not we found her . It's she found us in Robbie `s house. 亚历克斯:讲到底,不是我们发现她。这是她发现我们在罗比是房子。 Jack: Have you tried calling the number on the



Robbie: Yes, but the number is no longer in service . So we only call for you.


Jack: And there is no address on the dog tag? 琳达:并没有地址在狗身上的标签?

Alex: There is no other information.


Jack: No ID number. Without that, it is hard

to find her host.

琳达:没有身份证号码。如果不是这样,很难找到她的主人。 Alex: I think you will try to find the dog is owner. 亚历克斯:我认为你会试图找到这只狗是所有者。

Jack: Oh, we will try, believe me.


Robbie: And if you don ` t?


Jack: Yes?


Robbie: I want to say that...If you don ` t...... can I adopt the dog?


Jack: yes. If the owners don` t claim the dog

in forty-eight hours, then you can apply for adoption.

琳达: 是的。如果主人没声称狗在48小时,那么你就可以申请收养了。 Alex: I know you must love the dog very much. 亚历克斯:我知道你必须非常爱这只狗。

Robbie: Yes .How do I do that?


Alex: You really want to adopt the dog?


Robbie: Yes, I` m serious. If no one comes to claim

Gemma , I` d like to adopt her.


Jack: It` s not difficult .If you want to adopt

her. I believe it is also very happy to find a new host. OK. First we need to know some references.

琳达: 这不难。如果你想收养她。我相信它也非常高兴找到了一位新的

host. OK。首先,我们需要知道一些参考。

Robbie: References? People we know or what

information else?

罗比: 参考?我们认识的人或者其他什么信息?

Jack: Friends, teachers... We need to talk to

some people about you. We want to be sure that you·re responsible and that you can take good care of an animal. Then you have to fill out this form about your family background .This is the form,

you can look at it first.

琳达: 朋友、老师……我们得向一些人打烫你。我们要确信你著名再保险


Robbie: Is that it?


Jack: No, there` s more. We need to know about

your history with animals. Have you ever owned an animal?

琳达:不,还有更多。我们要了解你以前佑动物的关连。你是否曾养过动物? Robbie: Yes. We had a cat when I was eight years old. I love cats. I also like other animals like dog.

罗比:是的。我们有一只猫在我八岁时。我喜欢猫。我也像其他动物,像狗。 Jack: OK .Do you have any animals now? I want

to know more about you.


Robbie: Unfortunately, no. So I want a animal friend

again. Please trust me I will take good care of it. I think you can comprehend my feeling .I want to adopt her. 罗比:不幸的是,没有。所以我想要一个动物朋友了。请相信我,我就会好好照顾它。我认为你能理解我的感受。我想收养她。

Alex: Anything else you want to know?


Jack: We also like to know your reasons for

wanting an animal.


Alex: Just to hold it and cuddle (ÒÀÙË) with it. Just

to have as a pet. I love animals.


动物。 Robbie: To have a friend is a pal. You know, man is

best friend is his dog.

罗比:有一个朋友著名。你知道,男人年代著名最好的朋友就是他的狗。 Jack: And one thing more. If you' re under

twenty-one years of age.


Robbie: That` s me.


Jack: Then an adult must sign for you.

琳达:那就必须有一位成人来替你签字。 Alex: Uh-oh.


Robbie: No problem. My parents will think it` s a good idea. I` ll be back with them.


Alex: If the real owners don` t come to claim Gemma... How long we will wait to apply for adoption. 亚历克斯:如果狗的主人没认领Gemma……我们将会等待多久申请收养。 Jack: After forty-eight hours. But please call first.


Alex: Thanks for your information and for being so

helpful. Robbie must be happy if he adopt the dog.

亚历克斯:谢谢你的帮助和提供的讯息。罗比肯定很高兴如果他采用的狗。 Jack: It` s my pleasure. Nice talking to both of you.

琳达:这是我的荣幸。谈得很愉快。 Robbie: Thanks again.

罗比:再次感谢。 Alex: Maybe the real owners will come to claim her. 亚历克斯:也许狗的主人会来认领。

Robbie: Her eyes look so sad. She must really miss them.

罗比:她的目光那么忧郁。她一定很想念他们。 Jack: I see you` re both animal lovers. 琳达:我知道你们都是喜欢动物的人。 Robbie: We are.


Alex: Good-bye, Miss Linda. We` ll call in a couple of days.


Jack: Good-bye, and thanks for bringing Gemma in.

琳达:再见,谢谢你们把Gemma送来。 Robbie: you are welcome. Bye.


