



(1)remain v.after—continue to be继续存在;be still present after a part

has gone or has been taken a away 剩下;遗留

e.g.①Country music today remains much the same as before.


②The door remained closed.门仍然是关闭的。

③Much work remains to be done.还有许多工作要做。

④You may have all those that remain.你可以把剩下的那些全拿走。



e.g.①The shop stays(remains)open till night.这家店铺一直营业到晚上。

②He stayed(remained)outside while we entered the room.(他留在外面,我们进了屋子。)


e.g.①After the earthquake(地震)very little remained of the city of Tang Shan( 一场地震以后,唐山这座城市所剩无几。)

②If you take 5 from 20,15 remains.从20中去5,剩余15。

3)当表示“在某处或在某处住下”时,通常用stay,不用 remain。

e.g.He wants to stay with a friend in the country.他想住在乡下朋友那里。


e.g.①My father will stay home this week.这星期我父亲将一直留在家里。

②When the others had gone,he remained and put back the chairs.(别人离去后,他留下来,把椅子放回原处。)

Also:remain n.—(usu.pl) what is left(常用复数)所剩下或遗留者

e.g.The remains of the meal are (is) in the refrigerator(电冰箱)。剩下的饭在电冰箱里。

(2)appear v.—become visible出现、显现,seem似乎、好像

e.g.①A lot of them appear on television,too.他们中许多人还上了电视。

②He appears old.他看来老了。



e.g.①He appears to have understood me.他似乎理解了我。

②She didn’t seem to have changed much.她看起来没有多大变化。

③It appears that we must go.好像我们该走了。

2)look和seem可跟as if从句而appear不能,另外seem和look可与like连用。

e.g.①It looked as if it was going to snow.看起来天好像是要下雪。

②It seems as if he were in a dream.看起来他好像是在做梦。

③It seems that the report is true.这报道好像是真的。

④It seems like yesterday.这仿佛是昨天的事似的。

⑤I well remember what the place looked like in 1949.(我还清楚记得这地方1949年是什么样子。)

(3)value n.(u)—worth of something in terms of money or other goods for

which it can be exchanged 价格,交换力,购买力

e.g.①He placed a value on the house.他对这房子作了一个估价。

②His advice is of great value.他的劝告很重要。








e.g.①What‘s the price of rice?大米的价钱是多少?

②The cost of living is much higher now than it was.(现在的生活费用比以前高多了。)

③How much is it worth?=(What is it worth?)这值多少钱?

6)“价值高或低”只能说a high(low)price或something is expensive(cheap)。

7)“无论花多大的代价”,可以说at any price或at all(any)costs。

e.g.We must drive out the enemy at all costs.(我们不惜任何代价要把敌人赶出去。)

(4)make fun of—cause people to laugh at嘲笑、取笑

e.g.①Those songs often made fun of them.那些歌曲常常是嘲笑他们的。

②It is wrong to make fun of a blind man.嘲笑一个盲人是不对的。


( )(1)What are you going to do for the_______sports meet?

A.to come B.coming C.holding D.to hold

( )(2)None of them has_______her arrival.

A.heard B.heard from C.hear of D.heard of

( )(3)He is________a student.

A.no more B.not any more C.no longer D.not any long

( )(4)So far,the work_______easy.

A.had been B.is C.has been D.was

( )(5)She is the only one of the teachers_______Shanghai.

A.who are in B.that is from C.who come from D.who are of

( )(6)The thief broke into her room.He didn’t_______come for the money,______for her gold watch.

A./,but B.just,but C.only,and D./,or

( )(7)The liquid became a little__________and__________.

A.thick and thick B.more and much

C.much and more D.thicker and thicker

( )(8)“Did you_______the terrible sound?”“No,I was_______a talk then.”

A.listen,hearing B.hear,hearing

C.hear of,listening to D.hear,listening to

( )(9)I‘m too tired.I________to have a rest.

A.’d like B.‘d better C.like D.’d rather

( )(10)I__________Mr Jackson every month.

A.hear from B.hear of C.hear about D.hear

( )(11)________is the price of the car?

A.How many B.How C.What D.What money

( )(12)__________do these bananas cost?

A.What money B.How many C.How many money D.How much

( )(13)don‘t know if you “Didn’t you have a wonderful time?”

It means_____.A.I have a wonderful time______,from the other.

A.but B.how C.however D.yet

3.语法—the past perfect tense(过去完成时)


e.g.①By the end of last year we had built five new house.到去年底为止我们已建了五座新房子了。

②I had learnt 3000 words before I entered the university.在我上大学前,我已学了3000个生词了。



( )(1)The police found that the house_______and a lot of things_________.

A.has broken into,has been stolen B.had broken into,had been stolen

C.has been broken into,stolen D.had been broken into,stolen

( )(2)By the end of this century,we__ours into a strong modern country.

A.will build B.had built C.have built D.will have built

( )(3)We_________the work by six yesterday evening.

A.finished B.would finish C.had finished D.had been finished

( )(4)I_________to help you but couldn‘t get here in time.

A.want B.had wanted C.have wanted D.was wanting

( )(5)Mrs Wu told me that her sister___________.

A.left about two hours before B.would leave about two hours before

C.has left about two hours ago D.had left about two hours before

( )(6)When I reached home,my parents__________their supper.

A.are having B.have already had C.have had D.had already had

( )(7)It seems that the old man_________something important.

A.has lost B.had lost C.lost D.would lose

( )(8)She__________in this school________the past ten years.

A.was teaching,since B.had been teaching,since

C.would teach,for D.has been teaching,for

( )(9)Did you see Xiao Li at the party?No,______by the time I arrived.

A.she’d left B.she‘s left C.She was left D.she must leave

( )(10)The job proved to be much more difficult than I______.

A.expect B.expected C.would expect D.had expected

( )(11)We couldn’t catch up with the others because they ______too long before us.

A.started B.were starting C.have started D.had started

( )(12)She felt anxious about her son as she________for quite a long time.

A.haven‘t heard him B.hadn’t heard him

C.haven‘t heard from him D.hadn’t heard from him

( )(13)By the time the speaker entered the hall,all the listeners_______.

A.had seated B.were seated C.seated D.were seating

( )(14)By the end of next July this building__________.

A.will be finished B.will have finished

C.will have been finished D.had been finished

( )(15)By the time the war____,most of the people had left.

A.was began B.was broken out C.broke out D.had been broken out

( )(16)If she______harder,she would have succeeded.

A.had worked B.have worked C.should work D.worked

( )(17)I wish______I you yesterday.

A.seen B.did see C.had seen D.were to see

( )(18)He is talking so much about America as if he_______there.

A.had been B.has been C.was D.been

( )(19)That dinner was the most expensive meal we___.

A.would have B.have had C.had never had D.had ever had

( )(20)When Jack arrived he learned Mary______for almost an hour.

A.had gone B.had set of C.had left D.had been away

