my dream英语作文 200字左右


梦想在生活中扮演着我们的指向标,有了梦想,我们便知道接下来我们应该往哪个方向踏出脚步。下面是小编给大家整理的my dream英语作文 200字左右,供大家参阅!

my dream英语作文 200字左右篇1

Once I thought there was nobody that I can not forget. But I have known forgetting one person is not an easy since I met you. Our love is just akin to the sight you went through. To you, I may be only one passing traveler, but to me, you are my best love. Thanks to having loved, I can not detest you. No matter what the result is, I will not detest you. Thank you for having me for those days. It is a happy to be loved by you although I can not be together with you. I will remember what you have given to me. Bless for you, my dear. It is not an interesting story with three persons, so I escaped from this story. You came in my life in a sudden and went in a sudden. I knew you would leave but it was so quick that I hadn’t got ready for it. You said if we had learnt each other earlier, we should have got married. You said you had a wrong choice. But my dear, do you know there is no way back

my dream英语作文 200字左右篇2

Freedom in my Dream

Freedom for many children is the coming day when they could improve myself in their own way to use my 24 hours. They can study language by watching film instead of working on boring grammar and multiple choices. Boys and girls can have enough time to do sports to keep health not going on a diet as a result of junk food and a lack of sports caused by too much homework.

Freedom is as simple as my playing piano all night without worrying about disturbing my 14-year-old neighbour who has to go to school the next day for my house is specially made.

It also could be freedom in my dream that one day, political democracy becomes true. Freedom in my life is the name of all kindness and happiness.

People have common desire under the sun. For mankind, freedom commonly means respect, love, blessing and dignity. For some people, freedom is that some day, he can give up his own interests to guarantee others’ rights. It is no wonder that so many people fought for freedom even didn’t hesitate to give up their lives when necessary .

I would like to be a freedom fighter for human rights some day in future.

类似my dream英语作文 200字左右:My dream job

I have a dream job of being a pilot since I was a little child. As far as I can see, flying is a very nice word.

If I become a pilot, I can be closer to the blue sky. Even though I don't have wings, I can fly in the air. Mountains, rivers and buildings are all under my feet. It's so exciting! I will enjoy the feeling of flying. It's my pleasure to take the passengers to places they want to go. I will make friends with planes and get along well with them. Maybe someone thinks it's a tiring job, but I love it.I believe it must make me freedom and happy.

The eagles can soar to great heights because of their strong wings.As for me, I can also achieve my dream with my different wings.I will hold on to it. See me fly, I'm proud to fly up high!

类似my dream英语作文 200字左右: my dream place

i always dream of somewhere peaceful and beautiful,like the western countryside,it provides me with fresh air and shows me gorgeous scenary,i really enjoy feeling that way. When i go to my dream place,i would wake up early every morning to do farm work, enjoying feeding the chicks and ducks.I would go and wake my husband up to make breakfast with me and we could have morning dessert together and share our plans for this day.thats how my daily life begins. As the holiday comes ,which means i dont need to do farm work any more and could rest for some days,I would go sightseeing nearby with my husband,i think we would go fishing mostly ,for the countryside is so clean and beautiful that fishes are willing to live in the pool.besides, its neccessary for me to gather flowers,then i can decarate my house with them,they look fine and smell good. Thats how my dream place is and how I would have my everyday life when Im there,Isnt it admirable?

