




——Hey, can I ask you a favor?


A.Here you are B.just as I thought C.how is it going? D.what can I do for you?

The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform____ visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built.

A.what B.where C.when D.why

It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner._____, I’ll set the table.

A.As a result B.On the whole C.In the meanwhile D.As a matter of fact

People develop______ preference for a particular style of learning at______ early age and these preferences affect learning.

A.a; an B.a;不填 C.不填;the D.the ;an

The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief_____ you are better than anyone else on the sports field.

A.how B.that C.which D.whether

Bears_____ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.

A.pack up B.build up C.bring up D.take up

If what your friend comes up with surprise you, don’t reject it immediately. _____, imagine that it is true.

A.Thus B.Besides C.Rather D.Otherwise

There are some health problems that, when ____in time, can become bigger ones later on.

A.not treated B.not being treated C.not to be treated D.not having been treated

-----Excuse me, but could I trouble you for some change?

-----_______.Will pennies do?

A.I know B.Never mind C.I am sure D.Let me see

A good listener takes part in the conversation,____ ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.

A.realizing B.copying C.offering D.misunderstanding

Half of _____surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friend to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears.

A.these B.some C.ones D.those

During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs___ sharply.

A.was increasing B.has increased C.had increased D.will be increasing

Mary worked here as a ____ secretary and ended up getting a full-time job with the company.

A.pessimistic B.temporary C.previous D.cautious

I______ myself more-it was a perfect day.

A.shouldn’t have enjoyed B.needn’t have enjoyed

C.wouldn’t have enjoyed D.couldn’t have enjoyed

As the world’s population continues to grow, the ___of food becomes more and more of a concern.

D% O D% O D% O D% O

A.worth B.supply C.package D.list

The children,____ had played the whole day long, were worn out.

A.all of what B.all of which C.all of them D.all of whom

If we leave right away,____ we’ll arrive on time.

A.hopefully B.curiously C.occasionally D.gradually

______how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure.

A.Hearing B.Hear C.Having heard D.To be hearing

Eye doctors recommend that a child’s first eye exam____ at the age of six months old.

A.was B.be C.were D.is

When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to ____it with important points.

A.conclude B.lead C.avoid D.hold


Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program. In my application letter, I was careful to 21 how much I wanted to see France; evidently, my excitement really came through in my words. Once I 22 that I was going, all I could think about was the fun of foreign travel and making all sorts of new and 23 friends. While traveling was inspiring and meeting people was 24 , nothing about my term in France was what I 25 .

The moment I arrived in Paris, I was 26 by a nice French couple who would become my host parents. My entire experience was joyous and exciting 27 I received some shocking news from my program coordinator(协调人): there had been a death in my host parents’ extended family. They had to travel outside France for several weeks. That afternoon, I had to 28 out of one family’s house into another. The exchange coordinator told me I’d have a 29 this time and asked whether I could share a bedroom with an English speaker. To avoid the temptation(诱惑) to 30 my native language, I asked not to be 31 with an English-speaking roommate. When I got to my new room, I 32 myself to my new roommate Paolo, a Brazilian(巴西人) the same age as I, whom I was surprised to find playing one of my favorite CDS! In just a few hours, we knew we’d be good friends for the rest of the 33 .

I left France with many 34 , so when people asked me what my favorite part of the trip was, they are always 35 to hear me talk about my Brazilian friend Paolo and scores of weekdays in class, weeknights on the town, and weekends 36 France we enjoyed together. I love how people 37 seem so different, but end up being so 38 . The most valuable lesson I gained from studying in France wasn’t just to respect the friend people 39 to respect all people, for your next best friend could be just a continent away. I would recommend an exchange program to anyone who wants to experience foreign cultures and gain meaningful 40 .


A.discuss B.express C.announce D.argue


A.approved B.knew C.warned D.denied


A.stubborn B.anxious C.universal D.interesting


A.boring B.upsetting C.exciting D.promising


A.expected B.liked C.doubted D.feared


A.sponsored B.witnessed C.greeted D.supported


A.until B.when C.since D.while


A.move B.travel C.walk D.rush


A.housekeeper B.leader C.roommate D.colleague


A.learn B.appreciate C.speak D.master


A.combined B.fitted C.involved D.placed


A.added B.introduced C.devoted D.adapted


A.term B.week C.month D.vocation


A.presents B.suitcase C.stories D.dreams


A.surprised B.disturbed C.embarrassed D.concerned


A.analyzing B.exploring C.describing D.investigating


A.need B.shall C.must D.can


A.generous B.independent C.similar D.distant


A.and B.but C.or D.so


A.instructions B.friendships C.facts D.data


