



christmawacoming .mr smith had no moneto buanpresentfor hichildren .hiwife waill and he spent a lot of moneon her medicine .and the harvest wabad and all hifamilwere going go be hungrthe next spring .he waquite worried about it .

“we had onla cock ,”said mrsmith one da.“you’d better take it to the town .sell it there and busome cakeand sweetfor our children .”

“it’a good idea !”the man said and caught the cock the next morning and put it into a box .it wadifficult to walk on the road covered with thick snow .two hourlater he wavertied and wanted to have a rest .he put the box to the ground and sat down .

“the air in the box must be close ,”the man said to himself .“i’d better let the cock walk outside for a while ,or it’ll die .”

so he put the cock to the ground .when he started again ,he couldn’t catch it anlonger .

“how foolish you are !”mr smith called out angril.“you can herald the break of daat night but you cann’t find the wato the town in the daytime !”


thistoricalled "the farmer and the snake." everday, a farmer went to the citto sell hiflowerand farm produce and then went home after selling all hithings. one day, he left home verearly, so earlthat when he arrived at the city, the gate wastill closed. so he ladown to take a nap, when he awoke he found that the storage bin containing hifarm produce had become emptexcept that there waa gold coin inside. although all the thingin the bin had vanished, the gold wamuch more valuable so he wastill verhappy. he thought most probablsomeone had taken hithingand left the payment there, and went home happilwith the money.

the next day, the farmer again went out to sell hithingbut again arrived too earlso he slept outside the citgate just like he had done the dabefore. and the incident repeated itself. all the produce that the farmer had brought disappeared, and there waa gold coin in the bin! at that time, gold wavervaluable. one gold coin had a value mantimehigher than the farmer'produce.

then one dasome time later, the farmer'father asked him, "where have you gotten so mangold coinlately? where did the monecome from?" so the farmer revealed to hifather what had happened. after listening to history, the father thought, "one dai'll follow mson ahe goeout, and see who'been consuming hithingand leaving the monein the bin."

so one day, when the farmer went out to do business, hifather quietlfollowed hi while the farmer wasleeping near the citgate, hifather saw a snake crawl up to hibin and eat hiproduce. having finished eating, the snake once again spat a gold coin into the bin apayment to the farmer before leaving. seeing this, the farmer'father thought, "if i kill the snake, i'll be able to seize all itgold coins!" he then picked up a stone and cut the snake into two parts.

at that time, the head and trunk of the snake were alreadin itden, and onlthe tail waoutside. the father thought that there must be a big treasure in the den so he told hison to reach inside for it. but unexpectedly, when the farmer reached hihand into the den, the snake bit and killed him! even though it had been cut into two, the snake could still bite! i understand how thicould have happened because that wahow i got bitten when i wasmall. at that time, i saw a centipede that had been beaten and squashed bsomeone, leaving onlthe head intact. i thought it wadead, and to make sure, i poked it with mfoot. it bit me hard and i cried for three days. (laughter) i warealldumb! remember! don't plawith a centipede even if it lookdead. sometimeit just fakedeath; it'not realldead.


once upon a time there waan old fisherman. he went fishing verearlevermorning, but he never cast hinet more than four timea day.

one morning, he went out earlto the sea. he cast hinet for the first time, and drew in the bodof an animal. he cast it a second time, and drew in an old basket full of sand. he cast it a third time, and drew in a lot of stones. it seemed he would have nothing to take home that morning.

dahad now broken, and he cast hinet for last time. after some time, he began to draw the net in. he found it waverheavy. but there were not anfish in it. instead he found a jar with a lid. he shook the jar, but could hear nothing. so he took off the lid and looked inside. he could see nothing. after a while a light smoke came slowlout of the jar. then little blittle, the smoke grew heavier and thicker till finallit turned into a terrible genie!

"get down on your knees," said the genie, "for i'm going to kill you."

"why? didn't i set you free from the jar?"

"that'whi'm going to kill you, but i'll let you choose how you're going to die."

"but why?"

"listen, and i will tell you mstory."

"i waone of the spiritin heaven. but i did not want to obesolomon'orders. so one day, he put me in thijar and threw it into the sea.

"during the first hundred yearof mstain the sea, i made a promise that if anyone set me free i would make him verrich. but no one came. during the second hundred years, i promised that if anyone set me free i would show him all the treasurein the world. but still no one came. during the third hundred years, i promised that if anyone came to set me free, i would make him king over the earth.

"still no one came. then i became verangry, and decided that if anyone should set me free i would kill him at once. now you have come and set me free. so you must die, but i will let you sahow you want to die."

the fisherman wanot frightened. he said: "since i must die, i must. but before i die, answer me one question."

"all right, but be quick."

"were you reallin the jar? you are so big and the jar iso small that it could hardlhold one of your feet."

"of course i wain the jar. don't you believe me?"

"no, and i won't until i've seen you in the jar with mown eyes."

when he heard this, the genie changed into smoke. slowlthe smoke went back into the jar. when all of it wain the jar, the fisherman quicklput the lid on and threw it back into the sea.

