



70小时550公里 印度11岁女孩游恒河


The girl, who took a plunge in the Ganga near Massacre Ghat in Kanpur on the eve of NationalSports Day (August 29), is likely to reach Varanasi on the tenth day. On an average, she willswim seven hours per day.


The 11-year-old started her journey into the swollen Ganga, with her inspirational message of‘making the river clean’, amid ‘puja’ rituals and the chanting of ‘mantras’, and headed forVaranasi via Allahabad to cover 550 km in 10 days, here on Sunday morning.


“I am really very excited and ready to better me previous performances. I am sure that I willcomplete the challenge,” said Shraddha, brimming with confidence.




New Zealand First leader Winston Peters last week talked about an email he had received from aChinese real estate agent in Auckland about immigration and the housing market.


Peters said the agent backed up his claim that speculation was rife. The agent has worked inthe industry for three years. He expands on his views here.


I am a Chinese property agent working in Auckland. Recently I emailed the New Zealand Firstleader Winston Peters expressing opinions on the housing crisis and immigration policy.


I thought as I am an immigrant who happens to have been sitting in the box seat of Auckland'sreal estate scene the rest of the country might find relevancy in what I have to say.


My family moved to central Auckland in 2001 from mainland China. We came here with the hopeof embracing a new lifestyle as well as for the younger generation to receive a superioreducation.


We remember Auckland as being a city with a unique blend of European and native culturesthat is termed "Kiwi" while the influx of migrants from different ethnicities steadily addedvibrancy colour and prosperity to the city.


Years went by and something curious happened.


Instead of seeing a balanced ethnic mix Auckland started to acquire an unwholesomely Chineseflavour.


There are poorly designed cheap signs written only in Chinese or with minimal English at everycorner of the central suburbs.


These are the supplement shops internet cafes restaurants plus a few seemingly dodgy placesthat are catering exclusively to Chinese customers.


Most of them have part time Chinese students as sole employees.


A recent encounter with two young Japanese professionals in Tokyo amused me.


"Going to Auckland is like going to China" they said.


"You don't hear English you don't see Kiwis there is just Chinese Chinese and Chinese."


They felt disillusioned and bewildered. Similar voices are heard among local internationalstudents "Are we here to study English or Chinese?"


The same relates to the real estate scene.


While the statistics show there has been 3-5 per cent foreign buyers in the market is it what wehave been seeing across the auction rooms or at open homes for the past half decade?

统计数据显示:市场已出现3-5 %的外国买家,这就是过去五年我们在拍卖大厅或在现场公开销售(openhouse是一种现场参观的房地产销售模式)时看到场景?

I remember seeing young couples with their hands clenched and eyes glued to the auctionscreen only to find their first dream house outbid by someone screaming in mandarin.


And I shudder to imagine their feeling when they see the very house they missed out back onthe market within a couple of months, this time, with 200k added on top ... meanwhile, achampagne is uncorked at another New Zealand property expo in China.


During a recent interview with Newshub, I was asked whether I was worried about Chinesedomination. No, it is not, and never has been about any race dominating another. Otherwise itwould be blunt racism.


It is about how do you want your Auckland and your New Zealand to be? Do we want trained,skilled professionals to bring our economy to the next level or all we want to see is anotherChinese restaurant around the corner, or foreign visitors mistaking Auckland for China?


When New Zealand First's Winston Peters said many immigrants choose New Zealand whenthey have failed entering Canada US UK and Australia he is right.


At least it is a well perceived notion among my fellow Chinese that only the "less fortunate"choose New Zealand.


As a consequence we have been absorbing lower quality immigrants who neither have theintention to assimilate to our culture nor the intention to set up all inclusive businesses thatprovide jobs for Kiwis.


In the event of any of the above-mentioned countries loosening their immigration policies braceyourself for a downward ride: far fewer people will be willing to pay the same for your home orto lease your shop.


This is because while the property market has been reflecting an exhilarating populationgrowth it is also fuelled by the widespread assumption that "the Chinese pay the most." It isirrational exuberance at its worst.


It is time for us New Zealanders to rethink.



英媒表示 中国的中产阶级在爆发

The American consumer has been a central driver of the global economy for decades.Fortunately for the overburdened American consumer, China’s middle class is going to bepicking up more of the slack.


China’s middle class is on fire. According to a study by consulting firm McKinsey &Company, 76 percent of China’s urban population will be considered middle class by 2022.That’s defined as urban households that earn US$9,000 – US$34,000 a year.

中国的中产阶级正在火速增长。 根据一份麦肯锡公司的研究结论。 根据城镇居民每年能转到9000美金到34000美金每年的中产认定标准, 在2022年76%的中国城市人口将会被认定为中产阶级。

That might not sound like a lot, but adjusted for prices, it delivers a roughly comparable“middle class” existence to other countries. In 2000, just 4 percent of the urban populationwas considered middle class.

也许这个标准听上去好像不怎么高, 这是因为根据物价的调整得出了一个近似在其他国家“中产阶级”的水平

China had an urban population of 730 million people in 2015. So even if that figure doesn’tchange (and it will only grow), by 2022 over 550 million people in China will be considered middleclass.

中国在2015年有7亿3千万城市人口 。 如果这个数字没有改变(并且只会增长)的话, 到2022年将会有超过5亿5千万的人在中国被认定为中产阶级。

That would make China’s middle class alone big enough to be the third-most populous countryin the world.


China’s middle class will be making more money


According to McKinsey, in 2012 54 percent of China’s urban households were considered“mass middle” class, meaning they earned between US$9,000 and US$16,000 per year.

根据麦肯锡的研究在2012年中国有54%的城市居民被认定为 “大中产(mass middle)"阶级。 这意味着他们每年能赚9000-1万6000美金每年。

But by 2022, thanks to a growing number of higher-paying high-tech and service industry jobs, 54 percent will be classified as “upper middle” class – meaning they earn between US$16,000and US$34,000 a year.

但是到2022年,受惠于增长的 高科技产业和服务业岗位 54%的人将会被归纳为”上层中产(uppermiddle)"阶级 这意味着他们每年能赚1万6000到3万4000美金。

Meanwhile, Chinese consumption (the amount of stuff people buy) is expected to grow 9percent a year through 2020, according to the Boston Consulting Group. Overall, the consumereconomy is forecasted to grow by 55 percent, to US$6.5 trillion.

与此同时,根据波士顿咨询公司 中国的消费(人们买的东西)到2020年每年预计增长百分之9. 总体来说中国的消费经济预计将会增长55%达到6.5万亿。

That’s an increase of US$2.3 trillion – which is like adding a new consumer market 1.3 timeslarger than the current consumer markets of Germany or the U.K. And that’s assuming thatChina’s GDP will grow by 5.5 percent a year, which is lower than the projected growth of 6.5 to7 percent a year.

足足增长了2.3万亿-如果将这个数字单独列出来 相当于目前德国和英国消费市场的总和。到时预计总过的GDP增长为5.5%低于计划的6.5%-7%每年。

