





He seems to have 9 lives,like the proverbial cat.


At first, Harvard had 1 teacher and 9 students.


I'll come back at 9 o'clock save it rains. 如果不下雨的话,我将在9点之前回来。

The little Tom is now only 9 months of age. 小汤姆现在才9个月大。

He didn't tackle his homework until 9 o'clock. 他直到9点钟才开始做作业。

If you divide 9 by 4, you have 1 left over. 用4除9,就会余1。

You can do this step as in Listing 9. 您可以按照 清单9 所示完成此步骤。


You can see all of this in action in Listing 9. 您可以在 清单9中看到所有这些都在使用。

Girls go through menarche between the ages of 9 and 16, and the variations inLIN28B accounted for just one to three months of these differences. 女孩们在9岁到16岁之间经历初潮,而这些年龄的差异中,其中一到三个月的差异是由基因LIN28B差异导致的。

So Listing 9 contains only one tag. 因此,清单9只包含有一个 标记。

Next, start the inner loop to read the cells, as in Listing 9. 接下来,开始内部循环以读取单元格,如 清单9 所示。

Select the Create from an existing sketch option in the blank frame, as shown in Figure 9. 在这个空白框架中选择从一个现存的示意图创建选项,如图9所示。

You can see one of these functions in the code fragment below (Listing 9). 您可以在下面的代码片段(清单9)中看到这两个函数之一。

You can see this in Figure 9. 可以在图9 中看到这一过程。

Listing 9 shows an example of this. 清单9给出了这样一个例子。

After creating the requirement type, we should enter all scenarios and settraceability from use cases to these scenarios, as shown in Figure 9. 创建了这个需求类型之后,我们应当输入全部的场景并设置从用例到这些场景的追踪,如图9所示。

You should see your test case added to the list in the section detail (Figure 9). 您将会在段落细节中看到添加至列表的测试用例(图9)。

In lieu of presents, she asked her friends to donate $9 each to charity:water forwater projects in Africa. 她不让朋友们送礼物,而是要他们每人向“慈善·水源”捐献9美元,为非洲的饮水工程出力。

After you import the license key, you should see something like what Figure 9shows. 当您输入许可密码之后,您应该可以看到如图9所示的情景。

Based on the simple logic above, which governs which of the three EJB methodsto call, you should see a response similar to Figure 9 below. 基于上面的简单逻辑(这个逻辑管理调用三个EJB方法中的哪一个),您应该看到类似于下面的图9 的响应。

If you only want the regular button to have blue text, then the CSS would look likeListing 9. 如果只需要让常规的按钮具有蓝色的文本,那么这个CSS就应该类似于清单9。

In the next dialog (Figure 9), you can create method stubs for the particularmethods you want to implement. 在下一个对话框(图9)中,您可以为您要实现的特定方法创建方法存根。

By looking through these steps, you can begin to see how this design patternemerges in Listing 9. 通过查看这些步骤,您可以看到清单9中的设计模式是如何出现的。

After creating the requirement type, we should enter all scenarios and settraceability from use cases to these scenarios, as shown in Figure 9. 在建立了需求类型后,我们应该输入所有的场景并建立从用例到这些场景间的可追溯性,正如图9中所示。

Listing 9 shows how they work with the controller that handles the example. 清单9显示了它们如何处理示例中使用的控制器。

Listing 9 shows an example of retrieving an object from a specific element in an array. 清单9显示一个在数组中从一个特定元素中检索一个对象的示例。

All of the considerations and possibilities discussed in the previous architecturesapply between the middle tier service and the downstream service, although they are not shown in Figure 9. 在前面的体系结构中所讨论的所有注意事项和可能性也适用于中间层服务和下游服务之间,尽管在图9中并未显示这一特性。

Executing the query will cause a tabular report and a chart to be displayed, asshown in Figure 9. 执行这个查询后将导致系统显示一个列表状报表和一个图表,如图9 中所示。

