



A merchant had done well at the fair. He hadsold all his wares, and filled his moneybag with goldand silver. He now wanted to make his way towardhome, and to be in his own house before nightfall. Sohe loaded his duffel bag with the money onto hishorse, and rode away.

At noon made a rest stop in a town. When hewas about to continue on his way, a servant broughthim his horse and said, "Sir, a nail is missing from the shoe on his left hind hoof."

"Let it be," answered the merchant. "The shoe will certainly stay on for the six hours that Istill have to ride. I am in a hurry."

That afternoon, when he dismounted once again and had his horse fed, a servant came intothe inn and said, "Sir, a shoe is missing from your horse's left hind hoof. Shall I take him tothe blacksmith?"

"Let it be," answered the man. "The horse can manage for the few hours that I still have toride. I am in a hurry."

He rode on, but before long the horse began to limp. It did not limp long before it beganto stumble, and it did not stumble long before it fell down and broke a leg. The merchanthad to leave the horse where it was, and unbuckle the duffel bag, load it onto his shoulder,and walk home on foot, not arriving there until very late that night.

"All this bad luck," he said to himself, "was caused by that cursed nail."

Haste makes waste.







Once upon a time there was a girl whose fatherand mother died when she was still a little child. Hergodmother lived all alone at the end of the village ina little house, and earned her living with spinning,weaving, and sewing. The old woman took theorphaned child into service and gave her a piousupbringing.

When the girl was fifteen years old thegodmother took ill, called the child to her bedside, and said, "My dear daughter, I feel that myend is near. I leave to you this little house, that will protect you from wind and weather; andalso a spindle, a shuttle, and a needle, with which you can earn your living."

She then laid her hands on the girl's head and blessed her, saying, "Keep God in your heart,and it will go well with you." With that she closed her eyes. When she was laid to rest in theearth, the girl walked behind the coffin crying, and paid her last respects.

the girl now lived all alone in the little house. She was industrious. She span, wove, andsewed; and everything she did was touched by the good old woman's blessing. It was asthough the flax multiplied itself in her kitchen, and whenever she wove a piece of cloth or acarpet, or sewed a shirt, she always immediately found a buyer who paid so well that she wasnever in need and always had something to share with others.

At this time the king's son was traveling throughout the country in search of a bride. Hewanted neither a poor one nor a rich one. He said, "My wife shall be the girl who is at the sametime the poorest and the richest."

When he came to the village where the girl lived he asked, as he had done everywhere, whowas the richest girl and the poorest girl. First of all they named for him the richest girl, andthen said that the poorest girl was the one who lived in the little house at the end of the village.

the rich girl sat in her doorway in all her finery, and when the prince approached shebowed before him. He looked at her, said not a word, and rode on.

When he arrived at the poor girl's house she was not standing in the doorway, but insteadwas sitting in her little kitchen. He stopped his horse and looked into the window, throughwhich the bright sun was shining, and saw the girl, sitting at her spinning wheel anddiligently spinning. She looked up, and when she saw the prince looking in she blushed allover, closed her eyes, and continued to spin. I do not know if the thread was entirely even atthis time, but she continued to spin until the prince had ridden away.

then she stepped to the window and opened it, saying, "It is so hot in the kitchen," but shecontinued to follow him with her eyes as long as she could recognize the white feathers on hishat.

the girl sat back down in the kitchen and continued to work at her spinning. Then a sayingcame to her that the old woman had sometimes said while she was at work, and she sang itthus:

Spindle, spindle, go on out,

And bring a suitor to my house.

What happened? the spindled immediately jumped out of her hand and out the door.Amazed, she stood up and watched it as it danced merrily across the field, pulling along aglistening golden thread behind it. Before long it had disappeared from her eyes.

Because the girl no longer had a spindle, she picked up her shuttle, seated herself at herloom, and began to weave.

Now the spindle danced ever onward, and just as the thread came to an end it reached theprince.

"What do I see?" he cried. "Is this spindle showing me the way?"

He turned his horse around and followed the golden thread back.

the girl was seated at her work singing:

Shuttle, shuttle, weave so fine,

Lead a suitor here to me.

Just then the shuttle jumped from her hand and out the door. However, it began to weavea carpet before the threshold, a more beautiful one than anyone had ever seen before. At itssides blossomed roses and lilies. In its middle, against a golden background, there were rows ofGREen upon which hares and rabbits were jumping about. In between, stags and deer stuck outtheir heads. Colorful birds sat above in the branches. The only thing missing was their singing.The shuttle jumped back and forth. It was as though everything was growing by itself.

Because her shuttle had run away, the girl now sat down to sew. She held her needle inher hand and sang:

Needle, needle, sharp and fine,

Clean up the house for the suitor of mine.

then the needle jumped out of her fingers and flew about in the kitchen as quick aslightning. It was as though invisible spirits were at work. The table and benches were sooncovered with GREen cloth, the chairs with velvet; and silk curtains hung at the windows.

the needle had scarcely made its last stitch when the girl looked through the window andsaw the white feathers on the prince's hat. The spindle had brought him here with its goldenthread. He dismounted and walked across the carpet into the house. When he stepped into thekitchen she was standing there in her simple dress, but she was glowing in it like a rose in abush.

"You are the poorest, but also the richest," he said to her. "Come with me. You shall be mybride."

She said nothing, but reached out her hand to him. then he gave her a kiss and led heroutside, lifted her onto his horse, and took her to the royal palace where their wedding wascelebrated with GREat joy.

the spindle, shuttle, and needle were secured in the treasure chamber, where they werekept in GREat honor.






















2.格林童话 穷人和富人



5.经典格林童话 钉子






