


英语黑板报花边:早睡 Sleep Early

Since my parents bought me a computer for the purpose of my better study, but I fall in love with computer games recently, I will play very late. My mother finds it, she tells me that I should not stay up, or my body will be bad and my brain will be not clever. I am so shocked, I decide to sleep early and don’t stay up.



英语黑板报花边:网吧 The Internet Bar

Teenagers like to computer games so much, some even drop out of the class and they hang around the street, going to the Internet bar, and are immerged themselves in the computer games. As we all known, Internet bar is not a good place for teenagers to come. First, there are all kinds of people in that places. It has been reported that many accidents have happened in the Internet bar, some people have fought each other and then cut people, even people died there. It is so dangerous. Second, as the teenagers are so innocent, they may be seduced by some bad people in the Internet bar, the teenagers may be adducted to other places and never come home again. Internet bar is not a safe place for teenagers, so they should learn protect themselves and stay away from it.


英语黑板报花边:参加课外活动Join Activity

In China, students have to study all the time, they need to take all kinds of important exams, their parents want their kids take the first place, so students bury their heads in the books. When talking about Chinese kids and foreign kids, it has been admitted that Chinese kids are good at exams, while foreign kids are good at hand work. I think hand work is more important than the exam, students need to do some work to make themselves’ living. Chinese students need to join more activities, it can not only help them broaden their vision, but also can improve their overall quality. Besides getting high scores, students also need to learn to do some hand work, or they will become bookworms. Parents should not care so much about the exams, they should give the children more freedom, exam is not everything.


