



1.cut across:

to go across something in order to make your route shorter 抄进路,走捷径

① We may as well cut across the playground. ② Cut across this square and then turn left

2.cut away:vt.

to remove unwanted or unnecessary parts from something by cutting it切除,剪掉

① Cut away all the dead wood.

② The surgeon cut away the tumour with expert skill.

③ He cut away the material which he didn’t need. ④ He cut away the old branches from the tree.

⑤ Putting in a new window will mean cutting away part of the roof.

3.cut down:

⑴vt. to cause sth to fall down by cutting it at the base(自根基部分)砍倒

① If you cut down all the trees you will ruin the land.

⑵vt./vi. to reduce the amount or quantity of sth, use or buy less减少, 削减(尺寸,数量,数目) →cut down (on something)

① I have decided to cut down my smoking.

② We need to cut the article down to 1,000 words.

③ The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking. 医生劝他少喝酒

④ Cut down on fatty foods if you want to lose weight.

⑤ By getting the design right, you can cut down on accidents.

⑶vt. to reduce the length of sth, shorten sth 改短

① The article is too long. Could you cut it down to 2000 words.

② If you cut down these trousers, they’ll fit your daughter.

(4)vt. to kill or injure someone, especially in a battle 夺去生命

① Hundreds of men were cut down by crossbow fire.

② AIDS cut him down at an early age.

4.cut in:

⑴vi. to interrupt sb sth 插嘴

① She always cut in when other people are talking.

② She kept cutting in on our conversation. 我们谈话时她老是插嘴

⑵ vi. to drive into a space between cars in a dangerous way 插到(其他车)的前面, 超车抢道

① You nearly caused a crash(交通事故) by cutting in (on me ) like that

5.cut off:

⑴vt. to remove sth (from sth larger) by cutting切断,割断,剪断

① She cut off a small piece of bread and gave it to me.

② The workman had a finger cut off by the machine he was operating.

③ The winner cut ten seconds off the world record. 获胜者比世界记录快了十秒

④ Cut the fat off the meat.

⑵vt. to stop the supply of sth to sb 中断供应 ( often passive )

① They have cut off the waterelectricitygas supply.

② They were cut off for not paying their phone bill.

⑶vt. to prevent sbsth from leaving or reaching a place or communicating with people outside a place 使……与外界隔绝

→ cut sb/sth off ( from sb/sth )

① He was cut off from all his friends when he studied abroad

. ② The village was cut off by the snow for more than a month.

③ She feels very cut off living in the country.她住在乡村感到很闭塞

(4)vt. to interrupt sb and stop them from speaking 打断(某人并阻止其讲话)

① My explanation was cut off by loud protests. 我的解释被强烈的抗议声打断了

6.cut out:

⑴vt. to remove something by cutting round it 切去,切除

① The cancerous cells had to be cut out.

② The surgeon cut out all the diseased tissue.

③ Doctors had to cut out the part that had been infected. ⑵vt. to remove sth by cutting剪下

① Pictures from these magazines can be cut out, and used as teaching aids.

② I cut this article out of the newspaper.

(3)vt. to stop doing or eating something, esp because it is harmful to you 停止做; 戒掉; 不吃

① Let’s cut out the talking and get back to work.

② I’ll cut down my smoking, maybe cut it out entirely.

③ I have been advised to cut sugar out of my diet. 有人劝我饮食要忌糖

④ I’m sick of you two arguing ------ just cut it out!

⑷vt. to leave sth out of a piece of writing, etc. 删除,删去

① I would cut out the bit about working as a waitress. 我想删掉有关做女服务员的那段工作经历

② Let’s cut out the unimportant details.

⑸vi. if an engine or machine cuts out, it suddenly stops working (机器)失灵,(自动)关掉

① The engine cut out halfway across the lake.

② When the temperature of the room reaches 70 degrees the convector heater(空气对流加热器) cuts out.

7.cut through:vt.

⑴vt. to make a path or passage through something by cutting or to move or pass easily through water or air 开辟(出路或通道)

① They use a machete(大砍刀) to cut through the bush. 他们用大砍刀在灌木林中劈出了一条路

② We had to cut through the car door to free the trapped man.

③ The army was called in to cut through the fallen trees on the road. 部队应召而来,把倒下的树木锯断。

④ The boat cut effortlessly through the water. 船轻快地破水前行。

⑤ Michael Phelps has cut through the water for those record-breaking eight gold medals. 迈克尔菲利普斯穿越浪花破记录的拿到了8块金牌。

⑵vt. (=cut across) to go across something in order to make your route shorter 抄进路,走捷径

(3)vt.( literary) if a sound cuts through silence or noise, it is heard because it is loud 穿过,穿透

① A piercing shriek cut through the silence. 刺耳的尖叫声打破了寂静。

② The bitter wind cut through his jacket. 8.cut up:

⑴vt. to divide sth into small pieces with a knife切碎,剁碎

① He always cuts up his food before he eats it.

② He cut up the meat on his plate.

③ He cut the paper up into little pieces

⑵vt. to cause sb to be emotionally upset使难过

① This news has cut him up.

② She was pretty cut up about them leaving. 他们这一走使她伤心极了


a wound caused by sth sharp 伤口,划口

a hole or an opening in sth, made with sth sharp (锋利物留下的)开口,破口

① Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.

② Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material. Cutting:

→n. an article or a story that you cut from a newspaper or magazine and keep剪报,杂志剪辑资料 newspaper / press cuttings 剪报

cutting room (影片的)剪辑室,剪接室

→adj.(usually before noun) unkind and likely to hurt sb’s feelings 尖刻的,刻薄的,挖苦人的

a cutting remark 尖酸刻薄的言辞 short cut 捷径

⑴a quicker and more direct way of getting somewhere than the usual one:

① Carlos decided to take a short-cut home.

② We were late for the game, but found a short cut through the fields.

⑵a quicker way of doing something →short cut to

① There aren't really any short cuts to learning English.

