



A : What's the bonus like at your company ?

B : Well, it's OK, I suppose. We get about the equivalent of six months' salary .

A : Six months' salary? Are you serious? That's incredible!

B : Maybe. But you'd be amazed at how little's left after the credit companies have deducted their share from my account.

A : Hey, I know what that's like. I bought a BMW on my Visa card. Now the payments really hurt.

B : Well, you're lucky that you're still able to make your payments. I missed a credit payment last month. Now my bank account's overdrawn, and the company is threatening to take back my purchases.

A : What did you buy?

B : A new home health monitor.

A : Health Monitor? I read an article about that racket. They're overpriced to begin with ! Listen : if I were you, I'd let them take back their monitor and spend my money on something more practical .

B : You're kidding!

A : No joke!

B : That's something else! Maybe I'll return it to them.


A: Is your factory still in trouble? 你们工厂是否还有麻烦?

B: Yeah. The unions declare that they will book off on May Day if the management doesn't accept their requirements. 是的。工会声称如果资方不满足他们的要求,他们劳动节那天就不上班。

A: What's the management's attitude? 那资方是什么态度?

B: They won't compromise either. 他们也不愿让步。


A: Have you checked how much of the contents of the damaged bales can still be used?


B: The report said that the majority could be salvaged. About 20% can't be used or sold out. We are very anxious about it. We had counted on receiving the shipment to complete several orders.


A: We understand your problem.


B: I'm sure we can count on your support to help us to overcome the present difficulty.


A: What do you suggest for a settlement?


B: We are willing to accept the shipment if you will allow a 30% reduction in price.

B:如果你方减价20%的话,我们 愿意接受这批货物。

A: Let's compromise on a 20% reduction in price on this shipment. And for your next order, we'll give you some preferential terms in addition to what you are getting from us now.

A:咱们折中好了,这批货物减价 20% ,下次你们订货时,除目前已有的条件外,我们另外再给些优惠。

B: I appreciate your quick decision, Mr. Mathew. We accept the proposal. I'm glad we have found a solution.


