




A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen .They were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.

" We must have a grand christening for her," said the King , who was delighted to have a daughter.

"We must invite all the fairies of the kingdom to bless her," said the Queen.

"How many are there now ?" asked the King.

"Twelve or thirteen," said his wife. "Send the invitations . We'll soon find out ."

There were twelve fairies, and they were all sent invitations. A thirteen fairy had not been heard of for so long that it was presumed that she was dead. No invitation was sent. The day of the christening was sunny and bright. The Princes was named Briar Rose, and the fairies began to give their gifts.

"She shall be beautiful, "said the first.

"She shall be wise ,"said the second.

"She shall be good,"said the third.

"She shall be kind ," said the fourth.

The gifts continued in this way, wishing all that was good for Briar Rose. Eleven of the twelve fairies had given their gifts when the room suddenly went dark. After a great flash of light a small dark figure stood in front of the King and Queen.

It was the thirteenth fairy.

"why wasn't I invited to the christening?" she screamed.

She was furious at being left out.

"All the fairies of the kingdom have given their blessings. Well, here's mine for the Princess. On her sixteenth birthday she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die."

Another flash of light and the fairy was gone.

"But we thought she was dead," said the King. "What can we do ?"

The Queen was in tears.

The twelfth fairy stepped forward.

There is still my gift for Briar Rose," she said. "The fairy's curse cannot be undone, but I can change it a little. She will fall into a deep sleep that will last one hundred years," There was a great hubbub in the hall as everyone discussed the events.

The following day the King issued a proclamation, ordering that all spinning wheels and spindles were to be destroyed. Throughout the land there were great fires as the spinning wheels were burned.
























I’ll Play an Old Alluring Woman

Mrs Jenkins is a woman of forty .Her husband is a famous doctor and works in a big hospital in the city .The man is very busy .So he told his wife who was a nurse in his office to resign her job .The woman stays at home now .She does all housework and look after her husband and daughter Mabel .

Mrs Jenkins likes all kinds of clothes .She often goes to the clothing shows and buys the most modern clothes for herself .Of course they pays Mr Jenkins much and she’s never worried about money .Sometimes she shows them to her husband ,but the poor man hopes to have a rest and always think they’re nice .The woman is happy and goes to the parties in them .

It was December 22yesterday .Mable came back with her friends while her mother was trying on a new sweater in front of a mirror .The girl said she was going to borrow some clothes of her mother’s .The woman was happy and agreed .It took Mabel nearly one and a half hours to choose a suit of proper clothes .

“Oh ,my dear !”Called out the women .“You’ve chosen the most beautiful clothes of mine !By the way ,what do you borrow them for ?”

“We ‘ll hold a Christmas eveing tomorrow ,”answered the girl .“I ‘ll play an old alluring woman !”



At Least I’m Not Lost

Rechard has lived in a city since he was born .Now he ia sixteen and studies in a middle school .He didn’t go out of the city until he and his friends had a picnic in a cool village last summer .

They all got up early that morning .They took a bus and it took them about an hour to get to the quite place .They sang ,drew and swam in the river when they felt hot or cooked some food when they were hungry .In the afternoon they climbed a hill .There was a forest on it .The girls began to pick flowers and the boys looked for some fruits there .Rechard saw a beautiful bird in a tree. He liked it very much and wanted to catch it .But it flew to another tree as soon as it saw him .He ran there but it flew away again .And soon he couldn’t see his friends .He shouted ,but nobody answered him .He was afraid and walked through the forest .At last he saw a farmer cutting a tree .He quickly came up to him along the narrow road .

“Hi ,”shouted the boy .“What place is it here ?”

“A forest ,”came the answer .

“I know it’s a forest ,”said Rechard .“How can I find the nearest village ?”

“Along the roads .”

“How foolish you are !”said the young man .“There are several roads here .Which of them must I go along ?”

“Yes ,I’m foolish ,”answered the farmer .“But at least I haven’t lost my way !”

