



Todd: So, Greg, you have a new book out, and you're book has lots of controversial topics,and one of the topics is organ donation. So first can you explain what organ donation is?


Greg: Sure. Organ donation is when a person living or dead allows his or her organs to beused in another person.


Todd: So for example like you donate a liver, or kidney or something like that.


Greg: That's right.


Todd: And usually they have to get it... the person who dies, they have to get it soon.


Greg: Yes, that 100% right.


Todd: So is this something that's common in most countries?


Greg: Well, actually some countries do not allow organ and tissue donation, or they allow onlysome organs, some tissues and not allow others.


Todd: You know, your book is about controversial topics. What is controversial about organdonation?


Greg: Oh, there's a lot of controversial aspects to organ donation. Again, as I mentionedthere are differences in every country. Some countries do not allow organ donation. Someallow some organs and won't others and there are also cases where say maybe a thousandpeople need a kidney but there's only fifty kidneys. Who is gonna get it? Should the kidney goto the sickest person but who might die? Should it go to the oldest person? Should it go to theyoungest person? Should it go to the richest person? How do you decide? What's a fair way todecide?


Todd: Now, also I think in your book you were talking about medical tourism. Can you explainwhat that is?


Greg: Medical tourism is when people go to a country for the purpose of medical treatmentwhich they can't get in their country either cause the treatment is not allowed or it's tooexpensive. You know, relating back to the question of controversy, there are lot of countries inthe world which are very poor, and people are willing to sell their organs actually, so you haverich Arabs, rich Americans, rich Japanese, rich British people, people from any rich country,can't get an organ in their own country, and they'll go to a poor country to buy organs frompoor people. Is that right? In some places it's illegal. There are also laws in many countriesthat say someone must, before they die, give permission for the body parts to be used, butthose body parts are sometimes taken from people after their death without permission.


Todd: Yeah, that's pretty controversial stuff. That's pretty deep.


Greg: Yeah.



Greg: Hi, Todd.


Todd: Hey, Greg.


Greg: Hey, thanks a lot for interviewing me and letting, I don't know, the world know about mybook.


Todd: No, problem. It's a good book.


Greg: Yeah, I've noticed you don't have any topics like these on your web site. Why not?


Todd: Right. I don't have too many controversial topics. There's actually technical reasons.One is it just takes too long for people to talk about a controversial topic, so for example ifyou really want to get into controversy, you know, it leads to long conversation and peopleexpressing their view and arguing and the way that the audio is set up on elllo, it's kind ofshort. I try to keep it under three minutes, so that's one reason. But actually the main reasonis because, you know, when people come in, I don't know them a lot of the times I don't knowthe speakers very well and so they're not really comfortable arguing with me or arguing withsomebody else they don't know about something that's controversial, so we tend to not dothat.


Greg: OK, alright, it's something you might want to think about. I mean, I think there are lotof people in the world who are really interested in controversial topics.


Todd: Well, I think there are some, like with you we talked about some like income disparityand medical issues, and I'm comfortable talking about that but I am not comfortable talkingabout let's say homosexuality, religious beliefs, abortion, politics. Things like that I just don'tfeel comfortable doing.


Greg: OK, it's your site: your right to do whatever you want, but I just think maybe ... maybesome of your listeners would appreciate that and maybe you could have ... my suggestion isthat you have a little one page, controversial page, or something. Just, you know, try it out,and if you get a lot of good reaction, you might want to continue and if it doesn't work outstop it.


Todd: Well, actually, I'll give you an example of one I did recently. I had a woman come in,Stella, she did a great job on the videos, and one of her videos was about an usual sport in yourcountry and hers was on cock fighting, and she explained cock fighting, or hen fighting, inKenya, and right off the bat I knew that was going to be a problem because that's illegal insome countries and some people — animal activists — would be offended, but on the otherhand, it's her culture and I don't feel comfortable saying — you know — what's right or what'swrong about someone else's culture so I just ended up not putting it on just because I didn'twant to have to take a side. You know, I think you can kind of see the problem, that sometimesyou can put stuff up and it's so easy to alienate maybe a small portion of your audience and Ijust don't want to do that. You know, I don't have a side about the issue but I just don't wantto alienate people. I don't want people on one side of an issue to feel upset so I just play itsafe, and I don't talk about it.


Greg: OK, well, you seem to have a lot of listeners who are very happy so don't worry aboutchanging it.


Todd: I hope so. I hope so.








