




—When was Michael Jackson born? —He was born in India _____ August 29th, 1958.

A.at B.in C.on D.for

Don’t eat__ much for supper. It’s no good.

A.how B.very C.more D.too

This is _____ lesson.

A.we the first B.our first C.our the first D.first

Are you __ tomorrow?

A.going to free B.free C.freeing D.going free

The children are having __ good __ now,

A.a; time B./; time C.the; time D./; times

Mid-Autumn Festival usually __ in September or October.

A.is come B.coming C.comes D.come

What’s your class going to do __ the coming trip?

A.of B.at C.for D.to

Please come to school__ time tomorrow.

A.by B.on C.of D.at

The students are going __ walk up the Great Wall the day after tomorrow.

A.from B.in C.to D.on

We go to school __ Monday__ Friday.

A.from...to B.from...on C.to...from D.on...from

__ nice his card is!

A.How B.What a C.How a D.What

—Why didn’t you go to the movies yesterday? —Because I_____ it before.

A.had watched B.have seen C.have watched D.had seen

Can’t you hear her_____ in the next room?

A.cries B.crying C.to cry D.is crying

I would like you _____ to my home for Mid-autumn Day.

A.come B.coming C.to come D.to coming

Would you like to go out for a walk with us? —_____, but I must finish my homework first.

A.Of course not B.That’s all right C.I’d love to D.Yes, I do



【小题1】Your class is going to have a picnic next Saturday. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ your class going ________ ________ next Saturday?

【小题2】 He likes the Chinese people and Chinese food. (改为选择疑问句)

________ ________ ________ the Chinese people ________ Chinese food?

【小题3】 We’re going to have some classes tomorrow. (改为否定句)

We’re ________ going to have ________ classes tomorrow.

【小题4】 Why don’t we go boating on the river? (改为同义句)

________ ________ go boating on the river?

【小题5】 You’re going to have a fun field trip. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

________ you ________ to have a fun field trip? ________, we ________.//tiku.21cnjy.com/ 21教育网在线题库



【小题1】How __________ you __________ (get)to the park the day after tomorrow?

【小题2】 There is something wrong with my watch. It __________(not work).

【小题3】 What day _________(be)it today? It __________(be)Saturday.

【小题4】 Susan and Mary _________(get)to school early every day.

【小题5】 Lily __________(do)eye exercises every day.

【小题6】 I’m sorry ________(hear)that news.

【小题7】 —Who is ___________(talk)on the phone? —My sister is.

【小题8】—What is Mary doing now? —I think she is ____________(wait)for the bus now.

【小题9】My mother is ____________ (cook)in the kitchen now.

【小题10】 I am ____________(write)a letter to my parents.

