


简短的寓言故事英文版1:The bee-keeper

A thief found his way into an apiary when the bee-keeper was away, and stole all the honey.

When the keeper returned and found the hives empty, he was very much upset and stood staring at them for some time. Before long the bees came back from gathering honey, and, finding their hives overturned and the keeper standing by, they made for him with their stings.

At this he fell into a passion and cried, "You ungrateful scoundrels, you let the thief who stole my honey get off scot-free, and then you go and sting me who have always taken such care of you!"

When you hit back make sure you have got the right man.

简短的寓言故事英文版2:The gardner and his dog

The gardner's dog fell into a deep well, from which his master used to draw water for the plants in his garden with a rope and a bucket.

Failing to get the dog out by means of these, the gardener went down into the well himself in order to fetch him up.

But he dog thought he had come to make sure of drowning him; so he bit his master as soon as be came within reach, and hurt him a good deal, with the result that he left the dog to his fate and climbed out of the well, remarking, "

It serves me quite right for trying to save so determined a suicide."

简短的寓言故事英文版3:A Bat, Bramble and Cormorant

A bat, a bramble and a cormorant entered into covenants with articles, to join stocks, and trade in partnership together.

The bat's adventure was ready money that he took up at interest; the bramble's was in cloths; and the cormorant's in brass.

They put to sea, and it so fell out ,that ship and goods were both lost by stress of weather: but the three merchants byprovidence got safe to land. Since the time of this miscarriage, the bat never stirs abroad till night, for fear of his creditors.

The bramble lays hold of all the deaths he can come at in hope to light upon his own again: and the cormorant is still sauntering by the sea-side, to see if he can find any of his brass cast up.

Any notable misfortune will stick by a man as long as lie live。

