



When Adam and Eve were driven from paradise,they were forced to build a house for themselves onbarren ground, and eat their bread by the sweat oftheir brow. Adam hoed the field, and Eve spun thewool. Every year Eve brought a child into the world,but the children were unlike each other. Some weregood looking, and some ugly.

After a considerable time had gone by, Godsent an angel to them to announce that he himself was coming to inspect their household.Eve, delighted that the Lord should be so gracious, cleaned her house diligently, decorated itwith flowers, and spread rushes on the floor. Then she brought in her children, but only thegood-looking ones. She washed and bathed them, combed their hair, put freshly launderedshirts on them, and cautioned them to be polite and well-behaved in the presence of the Lord.They were to bow down before him courteously, offer to shake hands, and to answer hisquestions modestly and intelligently.

the ugly children, however, were not to let themselves be seen. She hid one of thembeneath the hay, another in the attic, the third in the straw, the fourth in the stove, the fifthin the cellar, the sixth under a tub, the seventh beneath the wine barrel, the eighth under anold pelt, the ninth and tenth beneath the cloth from which she made their clothes, and theeleventh and twelfth under the leather from which she cut their shoes.

She had just finished when someone knocked at the front door. Adam looked through acrack, and saw that it was the Lord. He opened the door reverently, and the Heavenly Fatherentered. There stood the good-looking children all in a row. They bowed before him, offered toshake hands, and knelt down.

the Lord began to bless them. He laid his hands on the first, saying, "You shall be apowerful king," did the same thing to the second, saying, "You a prince," to the third, "You acount," to the fourth, "You a knight," to the fifth, "You a nobleman," to the sixth, "You aburgher," to the seventh, "You a merchant," to the eighth, "You a scholar." Thus he bestowedhis richest blessings upon them all.

When Eve saw that the Lord was so mild and gracious, she thought, "I will bring forth myugly children as well. Perhaps he will bestow his blessings on them too." So she ran andfetched them from the hay, the straw, the stove, and wherever else they were hidden away. Inthey came, the whole coarse, dirty, scabby, sooty lot of them.

the Lord smiled, looked at them all, and said, "I will bless these as well."

He laid his hands on the first and said to him, "You shall be a peasant," to the second, "Youa fisherman," to the third, "You a smith," to the fourth, "You a tanner," to the fifth, "You aweaver," to the sixth, "You a shoemaker," to the seventh, "You a tailor," to the eighth, "You apotter," to the ninth, "You a teamster," to the tenth, "You a sailor," to the eleventh, "You amessenger," to the twelfth, "You a household servant, all the days of your life."

When Eve had heard all this she said, "Lord, how unequally you divide your blessings. All ofthem are my children, whom I have brought into the world. You should favor them all equally."

But God replied, "Eve, you do not understand. It is right and necessary that the entireworld should be served by your children. If they were all princes and lords, who would plantgrain, thresh it, grind and bake it? Who would forge iron, weave cloth, build houses, plantcrops, dig ditches, and cut out and sew clothing? Each shall stay in his own place, so that oneshall support the other, and all shall be fed like the parts of a body."

then Eve answered, "Oh, Lord, forgive me, I spoke too quickly to you. Let your divine willbe done with my children as well."


Lean Lisa was not at all like Lazy Heinz and FatTrina, who would not allow anything to disturb theirrest. She burned herself out from morning untilevening and loaded so much work on her husband,Lanky Lenz, that it was harder for him than for adonkey loaded with three sacks. But it was all fornaught. They had nothing, and they got nothing.

One evening she was lying in bed, too tired tomove a muscle but still unable to fall asleep, when she poked her husband in the side with herelbow and said, "Lenz, listen to what I just thought of. If I were to find a florin, and you wereto give me another one, then I'd borrow yet another one, and you'd give me still another one,and then I would take the four florins and buy a young cow."

the man aGREed. "I don't know," he said, "where I'm to get that florin I'm supposed to giveyou, but after you have the money to buy a cow, it will be a good thing." Then he added, "I'mlooking forward to the time after the cow calves, so I can have some good refreshing milk todrink."

"the milk is not for you," said the woman. "We will let the calf suck, so it will grow large andfat, and we can sell it for a good price."

"Of course," said the man, "but it won't hurt anything if we take a little milk."

"Who taught you about cows?" said the woman. "I won't allow it, whether it will hurtanything or not. You can stand on your head, but you won't get a single drop of milk. LankyLenz, just because you are always hungry, you think that you can devour everything that myhard work brings in."

"Woman," said the man, "be quiet, or I'll plant one on the side of your face."

"What!" she cried. "Are you threatening me! You glutton! You good-for-nothing! Youlazybones!"

She was reaching for his hair, but Lanky Lenz raised himself up, took hold of both herskinny arms with one hand, then pushed her head into the pillow with the other one. He heldher there and let her scold until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

the next morning when she woke up, I do not know whether she continued to quarrel, orwhether she went out to look for the florin that she wanted to find.






2.格林童话 穷人和富人



5.经典格林童话 钉子






