

摘要:微软公司3日证实,IE6(Internet Explorer 6)在美国互联网市场上所占份额已下降至1%以下。微软当天特意发布了一张标有“再见,IE6”字样的蛋糕图片以示庆祝。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Microsoft has celebrated the imminent demise of version 6 of its Internet Explorer browser by baking a cake.

The software giant held the light-hearted celebration as it revealed that the program was used by less than 1% of US internet surfers.

It is keen to kill off the old version of the browser and persuade users to move to IE8 or 9.



我们常说的IE6其实是version 6 of Internet Explorer browser的简称,browser在计算机领域指“浏览器”。###“IE浏览器死亡”用英语可以表示为demise of IE6,也可以是death of IE6。demise和death均指“死亡”,但demise用法较正式,demise相关搭配有imminent/sudden/sad demise即将面临的/突然的/悲伤的死亡。文中的kill off意思是“灭绝、杀光”。

