

她瞥见天边出现了一个模糊的痕迹, 慢慢形成可以辨认的形状.下面是小编给大家整理的出现形成的英语短语,供大家参阅!


1. His presence should fill the power vacuum which has been developing over the past few days.


2. She saw a faint mark on the horizon, and gradually it took shape.

她瞥见天边出现了一个模糊的痕迹, 慢慢形成可以辨认的形状.

3. During the 12 - month follow - up , no stent thromboses, MIs, or deaths were obsered.

在12个月的随 访 期里, 未出现支架内血栓形成 、 心肌梗死或者是死亡.

4. This event marks the birth of the Double Bottom.


5. The rally breakout in 2008 May set a new point.


6. Because soliton lattice should be emerged in trans polyacetylene whe.


7. Our samples were prepared by thermal oxidizing bismuth films.


8. Laughter may even have evolved long before primates.


9. Eventually, photosynthesis arrived in the form ofcyanobacteria.

起初, 陆地上大多是岩石和冰,后来,随着植被的出现,才形成了今天的地球.

10. Lakes appeared and then dried out, leaving a flat expanse of salty residue.

湖泊出现,又干涸, 留下由富含盐份残留物形成的平坦区域.

11. The advent of LOFs and ETFs adds new members to the fund family.


12. Acute cystitis, usually Bacterial, causes swelling, Bleeding, small ulcers and cysts, and sometimes abscesses.

常为细菌性, 导致膀胱黏膜红肿 、 出血 、 表层脱落,可出现小溃疡和囊肿, 有时亦形成脓肿.

13. Phenol and aniline complexed with 4 - AAP to form a dye , its absorption spectrum overlapped greatly.


14. According to research by Lanc? me , for instance, men's wrinkles appear later but develop more rapidly.

比如,根据兰 蔻 的研究, 男性的皱纹出现的较晚,形成的速度却更快.

15. A handful of bourgeois elements may appear, but they will not form a class.

个别资产阶级分子可能会出现, 但不会形成一个资产阶级.



With the appearance of tribes and clans, human society took shape, followed by rule of virtueand rule of law respectively.


The activities of the cambium-like meristem present in the early affected trees lead to formation of the deformed bark of the trees in the late stage of the disease.


NOTE 1 Where the term "documented procedure" appears within this International Standard, this means that the procedure is established, documented, implemented and maintained.


The image of walls has emerged repeatedly in the works of American writers, thus it has become an important tradition in American literature.


In the beginning area and the terminal of the latter, The lock condition and unlock one of slabsis produced alternately to form an instantaneous arch in the ring.


With the development of Chinese economy, the foreign trade agent system has appeared andgrown in China.

这些改进机会的通信是以变更波的形式出现,它形成了转换路标,如图8 所示。

The communication of these improvement opportunities is in the form of waves of change,which form a transformation roadmap, as shown in Figure 8.


And when these little things are repeated daily, and formed into habits, their benefits increasenot just by multiples but by exponents.


Electoral system appeared with the form of modem democratic system, and it is the basic of the whole democratic system in the nation.


Buildings collapse, their foundations undermined by the water, and clearings are formed whereseeds can take hold.


And about a half month phellogen will begin to appear in the callus near the surface.


Results: The cell spread fusiform shape, and proliferation with rapid rate.


The word "door-god" appeared in Han Dynasty and formed the unified artistic image.


Many subjects, such as Smooth Mountain, River In the Heart, appeared for more than onceand formed a series of works.


Many subjects, such as Smooth Mountain, River In the Heart, appeared for more than onceand formed a series of works.



With their appearance there arises a new soundscape, which can be dynamically orchestratedby the user.


The subconscious parts of the mind are released from ordinary inhibitions and they may thenpresent in dramatic form a new “personality.”


Economically speaking, payment by installments makes a double-win between the buyer andthe seller, and it stimulates industry and business to be prosperous.


Several stars appear as bright pinpoints against the blackness of space at image top right.


Morozov has fun deriding and demolishing the naively optimistic visions which, particularly inthe United States, seem to accompany the emergence of every new communicationstechnology.


"The problem is they travel together as an expression of distress, " said Striegel.


With the appearance of primitive belief came the dances of totem, sorcery, and sacrificial ceremony.


Large-size and open green lands with water views have multiplied in downtown areas, enlivening the city with new form of green scenes.


The appearance of unemployment question and people who come off sentry duty formed a group of people of low income and weakness. This caused social unstable and enlargedincome disparity.


In this process, the original crowd began to transition to the clan society, above all, theemergence and formation of matriarchal society.


Such word about pure vision is so close to the phenomenology appeared in beginning of 20century and made a great influence that time.

其他成分,包括在肿瘤( 发生)前的硬变肝内出现新形成的异时肿瘤。

The other component includes metachronous tumors that arise denovo in a preneoplasticcirrhotic liver.


The Macao issue arose from the aggression by the Western colonists.


It has been found that at the jet flow cross-section near the impingement surface accompanied by the appearance of two counter-rotating vortex pairs there emerge two eccentric peak values.

