


General advice 一般性建议

It is important to remember that in the community setting the following general measures may be more important than wearing a mask in preventing the spread of influenza.


For individuals who are well 对身体状况良好者

Maintain distance of at least 1 metre from any individual with influenza-like symptoms, and:


· refrain from touching mouth and nose;

· 避免触摸嘴和鼻子;

· perform hand hygiene frequently, by washing with soap and water or using an alcoholbased handrub 3 , especially if touching the mouth and nose and surfaces that are potentially contaminated;

· 使用香皂和水或酒精洁手液[3],经常保持手部卫生,尤其是在触摸嘴和鼻子以及可能感染的表面之后;

· reduce as much as possible the time spent in close contact with people who might be ill;

· 尽可能减少与可能染病者的密切接触时间;

· reduce as much as possible the time spent in crowded settings;

· 尽可能减少在公共场合逗留的时间;

· improve airflow in your living space by opening windows as much as possible.

· 尽可能频繁开窗,增进居住空间的空气流动。

For individuals with influenza-like symptoms 对有流感样症状者

· stay at home if you feel unwell and follow the local public health recommendations;

· 如果感觉不适应留在家中,并遵从当地医嘱;

· keep distance from well individuals as much as possible (at least 1 metre);

· 尽可能与未患病者保持距离(至少一米);

· cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, with tissues or other suitable materials, to contain respiratory secretions. Dispose of the material immediately after use or wash it. Clean hands immediately after contact with respiratory secretions;

· 在咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾或其他合适材料掩住口部和鼻子,控制呼吸道分泌液。此类材料在使用后立即处置或清洗。在接触呼吸道分泌液后立即洗手;

· improve airflow in your living space by opening windows as much as possible.

· 尽可能频繁开窗,增进居住空间的空气流动。

· If masks are worn, proper use and disposal is essential to ensure they are potentially effective and to avoid any increase in risk of transmission associated with the incorrect use of masks.

· 如果戴口罩,必须正确使用和处置,以确保其效力,避免因不正确使用口罩增加传播风险。

The following information on correct use of masks derives from the practices in health-care settings:

· place mask carefully to cover mouth and nose and tie securely to minimise any gaps between the face and the mask

· 用口罩仔细遮盖嘴和鼻子并系牢,尽可能减少面部与口罩之间的空隙;

· while in use, avoid touching the mask

· 在使用时,避免触摸口罩

· whenever you touch a used mask, for example when removing or washing, clean hands by washing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based handrub

· 在触摸用过的口罩后,例如为取下或清洗口罩,用肥皂和水或使用酒精洁手液洗手;

· replace masks with a new clean, dry mask as soon as they become damp/humid

· 在口罩受潮或沾染湿气后,换上新的清洁和干燥的口罩;

· do not re-use single-use masks

· 不要重复使用一次性口罩

· discard single-use masks after each use and dispose of them immediately upon removing.

· 一次性口罩在每次使用后应丢弃并在除下后立即处置。

Although some alternative barriers to standard medical masks are frequently used (e.g. cloth mask, scarf, paper masks, rags tied over the nose and mouth), there is insufficient information available on their effectiveness.


If such alternative barriers are used, they should only be used once or, in the case of cloth masks, should be cleaned thoroughly between each use (i.e. wash with normal household detergent at normal temperature). They should be removed immediately after caring for the ill. Hands should be washed immediately after removal of the mask.


