


关于著名的英语故事:Childe Rowland

Long ago there was a little princess named Ellen. She lived with her mother, the queen in a great castle by the sea. She had three brothers.

One day, as they were playing ball, one of her brothers threw the ball over the castle. Ellen ran to get it, and did not come back. The three brothers looked for her. They looked and looked, but they could not find her.

Day after day went by. At last the oldest brother went to a wise man and asked what man. The wise man told him as he had told the oldest brother. Then the next brother set out to find the dark tower. The youngest brother waited. He waited long, but no one came back.

Now the youngest brother was called childe Rowland. At last childe Rowland went to his mother, the queen, and said, "mother, let me go and find the dark tower and bring home Ellen and my brothers. "I cannot let you go. You are all that I have now," said the queen. But childe Rowland asked again and again, until at last the queen said, "go, my boy."

Then she gave him his father's sword, and he set out. He went to the wise man and asked the way. The wise man told him and said: "I will tell you two things: one thing is for you to do, and one thing is for you not to do.The thing to do is this: when you get to the country of the elves, hold your father's sword, pull it out quickly, and cut off the head of anyone who speaks to you, until you find the princess Ellen. The thing not to do is this: bite no bit and drink no drop until you come back. Go hungry and thirsty while you are in the country of the elves."

Childe Rowland said the two things over and over, lest he should forget. Then he went on his way. He went on and on and on, until he came to some horses with eyes of fire. Then he knew he was in the country of the elves. A man was with the horses. "Where is the dark tower?" asked childe Rowland. "I cannot tell. Ask the woman that keeps the hens," said the man. Childe Rowland took the sword and off went the man's head.

Then he went on and on, until he came to some hens with eyes of fire. An old woman was with them. "Where is the dark tower?" asked childe Rowland. "Go and look for a hill," said the old woman. "Go around the hill three times. Each time you go around say: "Open, door! Open, door! Let me come in. "When you have gone three times around, door will open. Go in." "When you have gone three times around, door will open. Go in."

Childe Rowland did not like to cut off the head of the old woman, but he thought of what the wise man had told him. So he took hold of the sword, and off went her head. After this he went on and on and on, until at last he came to a hill. He went three times around it, and each time he said: "Open, door! Open, door! Let me come in."

When he had gone three times around, a door opened. In he went. The door shut after him, and he was in the dark. Soon he began to see a dim light. It seemed to come from the walls. He went down a long way, and at last he came to another door. All at once it flew open, and he found himself in a great hall. The walls were of gold and silver, and were hung with diamonds. How the diamonds shone! And there sat the princess Ellen in a big chair of gold, with diamonds all about her head.

When she saw childe Rowland, she came to him and said: "Brother, Why are you here? If the king of the elves(侏儒) comes, it will be a sad ay for you." But this did not frighten childe Rowland. He sat down and told her all that he had done. She told him that the two brothers were in the tower. The king of the elves had turned them into stone. Soon childe Rowland began to be very hungry, and asked for something to eat. All at once he thought of what the wise man had said. So he threw the bowl down upon the floor, and said: "Not a bit will I bite, Not a drop will I drink, till Ellen is free."

Then they heard a great noise outside, and someone cried out: "fee-fi-fo- fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman!" The door of the hall flew open and the king of the elves came in. Childe Rowland took his sword. They fought and they fought. At last childe Rowland beat the king of the elves down to the ground. "Stop!" Cried the king of the elves. "I have had enough." "I will stop when you set free the princess Ellen and my brothers," said childe Rowland. "I will set them free," said the king. He went at once to a cupboard and took out a blood-red bottle. Out of this bottle he let a drop or tow fall upon the eyes of the two brothers, and up they jumped. Childe Rowland took the hand of his sister Ellen and went out of the hall, and up the long way. The two brothers went after them. And they all came out from the hill and found their way back to their own home. How glad their mother was!

关于著名的英语故事:The Three Wishes

A man and his wife were always wishing for luck. One night a fairy came to them and said, "You may have three wishes."

In the morning the woman went to a neighbor's house to get some bread. She saw a nicepudding there. When she came back, she said, "I wish I had a pudding like that!" She did not think of the three wishes, but there was a pudding beside her. "Silly!" cried the man, you have lost one of your wishes, and we have only a pudding. I wish it were on your nose!"

At that, the pudding jumped up and grew fast to her nose. "Silly, yourself!" cried the woman, "You have lost another wish. We have only one wish more." "What shall it be?" asked the man. "We must wish this pudding off," said the woman. "I can't have it on my nose."

So they wished it would go away, and away it went. They had had their three wishes, but they were on better off than when the fairy came to them.

关于著名的英语故事:Tony's Lie

One day Tony old a lie to his mother. That night felt very unhappy. He did not want to play with the children. He sat on the doorstep alone. He looked up in the sky and saw the big round moon. He thought that it was looking down upon him, because it knew about the lie. He ran down the street to get away from it, but it kept following him.

Then he crept into the house and went to bed, but the moon looked at him through the window. He pulled the sheet over his head, but he could not sleep. Then he crawled under the bed and lay there in the dark. He thought and thought about the lie.

At last he decided to tell his mother all about it. He told her the truth and she forgave him. He promised never to tell a lie again. He went back to bed and was soon fast asleep. He dreamed that the moon smiled down upon him.

