译林版英语五年级上册知识点整理Unit 7


译林版英语五年级上册知识点整理Unit 7

Unit 7 At weekends


1.参观visit 2.祖父,祖母,外祖父,外祖母 grandparent 3.经常often 4.总是always

5.聊天chat 6.网络,互联网Internet 7有时 sometimes 8.那里there

9.春天spring 10.夏天summer 11.秋天autumn 12.冬天winter


1.在周末at weekends 2.看望我的爷爷奶奶visit my grandparents 3.吃晚饭have dinner

4.和……一起玩play…with… 5.和他们的猫一起玩play with their cat 6.放风筝fly a kite

7.我们的父母our parents 8.住在英国live in the UK 9.在网上聊天chat on the Internet

10.和她的网友聊天chat with her e-friend 11. 和他/她聊天chat with him/her

12.和他们聊天chat with them 13.怎么样what about 14.去电影院go to the cinema

15.上舞蹈课have dancing lessons 16.踢足球play football 17.野餐have a picnic

18.她的/他的朋友们her/his friends 19.去公园go to the park 20.我的家人my family

21.在公园里in the park 22.拜访李老师visit Miss Li 23.给我们看花 show us the flowers

24.看电视watch TV 25.吃很多eat a lot 26.打篮球play basketball 27.去游泳go swimming 28.出来come out 29.出去get out 30.去野餐go and have a picnic 31.太胖too fat

32.喜欢野餐like picnics 33.喜欢打篮球like playing basketball 34.我的父母my parents

35.上课have lessons 36.非常喜欢猫like cats very much 37.一朵漂亮的玫瑰a nice rose


1.What do you do at weekends ?I usually visit my grandparents at weekends.


2.What does she do at weekends? She sometimes goes to the cinema with her friends.


3.What do they do at weekends? They often fly a kite and have a picnic.


4.Su Yang and I like playing with their cat very much.我和苏洋非常喜欢和他们的猫玩。

5.I sometimes go to the park with my family.我有时和我的家人去公园。

6.She always has dancing lessons at weekends.她在周末总是上舞蹈课。

7.My grandparents live in the Uk. I usually chat with them on the Internet.


8.Nancy often has dinner with her grandparents.南希经常和她的祖父母一起吃晚饭。

9.I don’t like playing basketball.我不喜欢打篮球。

10.He doesn’t like playing basketball.他不喜欢打篮球。

11.Billy is too fat. He can’t get out. Billy太胖了。他不能出去了。

12.Football is very popular in the UK.足球在英国很受欢迎。

13.Baskettball is very popular in the US.篮球在美国很受欢迎。

14.Table tennis is very popular in China.乒乓球在中国很受欢迎。

四、语法:1.频率副词always , usually, often , sometimes ,按其频率高低排列为:always > usually > often > sometimes。

2. 询问某人在周末做什么的句型—What (do /does ) 主语 do at weekends?

答句: 主语+动词原形/动词三单形式…….

★do / does: 助动词,由主语的人称数而定. 主语是第三人称单数时,用does, 主语是第一人称、第二人称、第三人称复数时,用do.

★答句: 如果主语是第三人称单数,则要用动词三单形式;主语是第一人称、第二人称、第三人称复数时用动词原形。

