



Jeremy White, head of Product development, has called a follow-up meeting with the heads of various departments to discuss a project that was proposed the previous month.

Jeremy: Well, everyone, I had a meeting with the V.P.yesterday, and he wants to start this project ASAP. Now that the strategy has been decided,I want to know where we stand. Let’s start with you, Janet.

Janet: Our final analysis of the research material indicates we were right on track with our preliminary estimates. I have the report right here.

Jeremy: All right. How about you, Mario?

Mario: I’ve contacted suppliers about the equipment we’ll have to purchase. There’ll be no problem with getting it delivered as soon as we’re ready to start. Here’s the itemized price list.

Jeremy: That’s good. I was a little worried about the industry shortage for some of that equipment.OK, it looks like everything’s set. Who will manage the project, Bob?

Bob: Irene. She’s been notified, and she’s already delegated responsibility for the major tasks.

Jeremy: Great! I’ll talk to Marketing and have them prepare for selling our product. Bob, talk to QC and get them involved. That’s it, then. Let’s do it!

中: 产品开发部负责人Jeremy White与综合部的领导们召开会议,讨论上个月提出的一个项目。

Jeremy: 好了,各位,昨天我已和副主席开过会,他希望尽快开始这个项目,现在决策已经定了,我想知道我们进展到哪了。就从你开始吧,Janet。

Janet: 我们最后的调查分析材料显示,我们的初步预测是正确的。我这儿有份报告。

Jeremy: 好的。你呢,Mario?

Mario: 我已经联系到了我们需购买设备的供应商,只要我们准备就绪,发货毫无问题,这儿 是详细的商品价格单。

Jeremy: 很好,之前我还有点担心设备供应不足呢。好的,看来似乎一切都稳妥了。那么谁来掌管这个项目呢,Bob?

Bob: Irene。已经通知她了,她已被委派承担主要工作。

Jeremy: 很好,我会通知销售部让他们准备好销售我们的产品。Bob,告诉质检部让他们开始参与进来。会就到这儿,开始干吧。


This conversation is, in effect, a mini-presentation. Charlie Styles, CEO of a distribution company, is presenting an expansion project to the Board.

Ladies and gentlemen, please feel free to interrupt if you have any questions. Now, if you’ll direct your attention to the screen ...

Over the past 3 years, our business in Asia has grown by leaps and bounds. 22% of our revenue now comes from there, compared to 9% just 3 years ago.

You’ll notice from this trend chart that the volume of business in this market is projected to increase by 60% over the next 5 years. Based on past performance, we would normally pick up 40% of this market. However, some of our Asian clients are already complaining about delivery times, but because of our reliance on foreign distribution firms,it is difficult to be very pro-active in dealing with them. If we don’t correct this situation, we stand to lose some existing customers, and the loss of reputation could hurt us in acquiring new ones.

Therefore, I propose that we immediately set in motion the creation of 3 Asian distribution centers,in Beijing, Tokyo, and Seoul. We could have them operating within 6 months, and be in a much better position to deal directly with our customers.

Ladies and gentlemen, if we don’t act on this right away, I’m afraid we’re going to lose some market share. Our main competitors already have their own Asian distribution centers, and some of our customers may gravitate to them if we don’t act quickly. Thank you.

参考译文:下面的这段话事实上就是一次小型陈述。Charlie Styles是一家物流公司的CEO,他正在向董事会介绍一项扩张公司的计划。


过去三年里,我们在亚洲的业务增长迅速。现在,我们22%的收入来自亚洲,而三年前这一比例只有9%。 从这张趋势图上你们不难发现,亚洲市场的规模在未来的五年里将会增长 大约60%。而根据以往的表现来看,本公司应该能够在这一市场上占到40%的份额。然而,我们 有的亚洲客户已经开始抱怨交货的不准时。遗憾 的是,由于我们对外国物流公司的依赖,在与他们交涉时很难采取强硬的措施。如果不改变这种状况,我们将眼睁睁地失去一部分老客户,这将严重损害公司的形象,而这种影响又会反过来为寻找新客户增加了难度。



