


关于六年级英语故事短文:A Pirate's Tale-Talks-Accident


A pirate walked into a bar and ordered a whiskey.The bartender noticed that,like any self-respecting pirate,this guy had a peg leg,a hook in place of one of his hands and a patch over one eye.


The bartender asked the pirate,"How did you lose your leg?"The pirate responded,"I lost my leg in a battle off the coast of Jamaica!"


His new acquaintance was still curious,so he asked,"What about your hadn.Did you lose it at the same time?" "No,"answered the pirate."I lost it to the sharks off the Florida Keys."

他这位新认识的朋友很好奇的又问:“那你的手呢,是在同一次战役中失去的吗?”“不是”海盗回答说:“那是在Florida Keys(地名)那里被沙鲨鱼咬去了。”

Finally,the bartender asked,"I notice you also have an eye patch.How did you lose your eye?"The pirate answered,"I was sleeping on a beach when a sea gull flew over and crapped right in my eye."The bartender was puzzled,"How could a little sea gull crap make you lose your eye?"The pirate snapped,"It was the day after I got my hook!"




Schools like to give out lots of awards.These awards serve the purpose of honoring the ones receiving them and also encouraging the others to do better.This strategy works,but by giving out too many,the awards could become commonplace and less important.


One type of awards is the excellence award.They give this to one person in each grade level who ranked first in a subject area.The subjects include math,science,language arts,social studies,foreign language,and various arts like theatre,dance,and visual arts.Those who get two or more of these awards immediately stand out.


Sometimes there are awards for those who improved significantly over the past.If a student is far from being the best,he could pretend to do badly first,then show much improvement the next time.Another interesting award is the outstanding ESL(English as a Second Language)student award,which is given to one ESL student for doing well in learning English.What is funny is that there are rarely more than a handful of ESL students to choose from.


关于六年级英语故事短文:Winter Clothing Store-Shopping


In Detroit,one of the most visited clothing wholesale stores in Burlington Coat Factory.I shopfor winter clothes exclusively at Burlington.For a cost-conscious consumer like me,spring isthe time or choice for buying winter clothes.This is when the store is trying to get rid of theirolder,overstocked winter wares.Once an item is on ssale,customers can get as much as 75%off.A nice lamb jacket would go for as low as $80.

在底特律,波林顿大衣店(Burlington Coat Factory)是人们最常光顾的衣服批发店之一。我专门去波林顿购买冬天的衣服。对于像我这样一个有消费概念的顾客来说,春天是买冬天衣服的最佳时机。这个时候商店正要把旧的库存的冬季服装处理掉;当物品开始特卖时,顾客可以得到低达二五折的优惠。一件好的羊毛夹克可以便宜到只要美金80元而已。

At Burlington,one would find literally hundreds of winter jackets and coats to choose from onany given day.Price and selection are not the only advantages they offer,their customer serviceis also superior.


Since it is a specialized clothing warehouse for winter and fall,their customers are relativelylimited.One hardly ever has to wait in long lines at the registers.The only suggestion I have forthe store managers would be to allow cash or credit refunds for returned merchandise insteadof their in-store credit coupons.


